Monday, November 30, 2015

Playa Grande Beach Club: A Private Dominican Hideaway Opens To New Guests

"Once you pass through the gatehouse, you are immersed in a nostalgic Caribbean fairy-tale world with lacy gingerbread architecture and putting-green lawns."

Top Things to Do in London for Christmas

Who said London is dark and dreary in winter? With splendid Christmas decorations filling the streets and festive lights wrapped around trees, London feels nothing but enchanting this time of year.

4 Benefits Of Using Storytelling In Marketing

Brand storytelling isn’t a new concept, as Susan Gunelius wrote back in 2013. Brands of all sizes realize the need to entertain their customers and prospects via the age-old method of storytelling. And just as Gunelius wrote back in 2013, "the opportunities to tell stories as part of direct and indirect brand marketing initiatives have become a strategic priority."

How 5 Minutes Today Will Increase Your Optimism - Your Choice

No matter if current events aren’t what you’d most like to see, a good portion of your optimism, or happiness level, is under your personal control. It's time to work on boosting it.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Paris Now: How To Get Business Back On Track

In the short-term, Paris continues to reel from the Nov 13 terror attacks. But political leaders are moving forward with reforms and business leaders see a positive difference.

Tax Court Holds Pending Income Tax Refund Is Includable In Federal Gross Estate

The case below demonstrates the scope of “property” for federal estate tax purposes. The issue was whether a pending income tax refund was includable in the decedent’s federal gross estate. Interestingly, the case highlights the different treatment that may result if a decedent had undisputed and unpaid tax liabilities that may offset that refund.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The New Race To Dominate Outer Space: All Face 'Serious Growing Foreign Threat'

Given the dual-use nature of space technology, anti-satellite (ASAT) testing in outer space is not surprising. Nor is it unusual to have space experts talking about this issue. But it is unexpected to find many governments around the world increasingly open about acquiring such capabilities. This openness, while worrisome, represents an opportunity for them all to back away from the deadly counterspace race that they are creating.

Museum Of Neon Art Gets A Los Angeles Preview

Museum of Neon turns the lights on in Los Angeles

The New Race to Dominate Outer Space: All Face "Serious Growing Foreign Threat"

Given the dual-use nature of space technology, anti-satellite (ASAT) testing in outer space is not surprising. Nor is it unusual to have space experts talking about this issue. But it is unexpected to find many governments around the world increasingly open about acquiring such capabilities. This openness, while worrisome, represents an opportunity for them all to back away from the deadly counterspace race that they are creating.

The Most Serene New Retreat In China

The new Six Senses Qing Cheng Mountain is a supremely serene retreat near one of China's most sacred and picturesque mountains.

What To Do When You Get Hacked: Eight Technology Executives Explain

Hacking happens. The best thing to do is to respond transparently and devise a serious security plan for the future.

Six Senses Qing Cheng Mountain

Six Senses Qing Cheng Mountain

Digital Risk Management: When Dependency Meets Disaster

Recent global events should make everyone sensitive to the risks we all face every day just living our lives. Life in New York has still not returned to “normal” after 9/11 and life in Paris will never quite be the same, at least not in our lifetimes. Those touched by airline and other transportation disasters are also permanently scarred. Weather disasters are growing in frequency and severity, and many of these events create local and regional energy and communications grid outages that disrupt everything digital – and more.

Four Factors That Stopped The American Startup

As the financial crisis was being resolved in December 2008 I heard someone say, “Wait ’til the startups get going – they’ll end this recession and crank up the economy again.” Of course, this maxim had caught on previously because when you start a business, you create at least one job.

Women's Entrepreneurship And Innovation Surge Globally

Women's entrepreneurship is picking up rapid momentum around the world, according to a sweeping new study showing dramatic signs of female progress in new business creation.

21 Most Beautiful Places In The World To Visit

Explore stunning architectural feats, a tropical paradise, and a small Scandinavian town.

Why Is Venture Capital Not More Productive: The Unintended Consequence of Great PR

The reality is that venture capital, and venture capitalists, have oversold themselves as brilliant seers. They have heavily promoted their home runs for two very good reasons.

Abe's Japan Looks Economically Exhausted

Abenomics is stalling and the reason is that the third arrow of structural reform has not been used effectively.

Why Do We Lie To Ourselves About Our Mistakes?

The human brain has a mind of its own.

New Index Promises Greater Foreign Exchange Transparency

A new index promises to bring greater transparency to the murky foreign exchange market - particularly in middling amounts where most individual and SME transactions would fit.

Don't Lose A Kid In Flight: Get An Air New Zealand Tracking Wristband

Sometimes, when children fly alone, their parents temporarily lose track of them and airlines get blamed.

How To Make Money From 'Smart' Homes

A number of new business models will be pioneered by start-ups looking to make it big in the 'smart' home sector.

Inspiring Young Indian Startups With The Under 25 Club

It’s young India that’s taking up the baton when it comes to new ideas and entrepreneurial startups, so why not create a network for those aged 25 and below, who want to be taken a little more seriously? That’s exactly what two enterprising youth did when they created a business from the Under 25 Club they began as college students.

Launching Your New Product? Power Success Using The 'Master Mind' Principle

“Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group … This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune.” (Napoleon Hill)

This Week In Credit Card News: Top Items Bought With Your Stolen Card; Why EMV Transactions Are Slow

18 Most Popular Things Fraudsters Buy with Your Credit Card

Why Small Business Saturday Is The Most Important Day To Shop This Holiday Season

The Saturday following Thanksgiving plays hide and seek between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but easily stands on it's own as one of the most important shopping days of the year. Founded six years ago in response to small business owners' most pressing need - getting more customers during the busy holiday shopping season - Small Business Saturday has quickly earned its' stripes among holiday traditions. Last year alone, 88 million consumers shopped small on Small Business Saturday - which was up 14.9 percent from 2013. Additionally, consumers spent $14.3 billion at local and independent businesses on Small Business Saturday in 2014, and this year the hype and buzz surrounding the day seems to have only increased.

The 10 Very Best Family Holiday Specials In & Around Orlando ( Including Falling Snow)

What better way to celebrate the season together?

The Best of Cambodia: Siem Reap Blessings, Camping with Cobras, Elephant Rescues and Angelina Jolie

This was my first trip to Cambodia and I wanted to experience it with the best luxury options available, so I enlisted luxury tour operator Audley Travel. They created a top of the line itinerary focusing specially on out of the ordinary locations and experiences including the coolest five-star hotels. I loved having the trip created for me, including personable and informative guides and first class car service with good shocks. This is a useful luxury travel service that is a must when visiting exotic locations like Asia.

It's Not Just The Money: Putting UK Cyber Security Startups On The Map

The UK government may be just a little strapped for cash at the moment, but Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne has nonetheless managed to find an extra £1.9bn to bolster investment in cyber security. And at least £165m has been earmarked for investment in startups through the establishment of a

Cyber Monday Promises Huge Flash Travel Deals

Experts expect more than double the number of flash sales on airfare following Cyber Monday.

3 Entrepreneurs Who Built Success Out Of Nothing

We've all heard the Andrew Carnegie story—his literal rise from rags to riches is the stuff of legend.

Help A Reporter Out (HARO): Your PR Agency's Worst Nightmare

The PR world has changed rapidly over the last few years and HARO has led the way. The days of relying on PR agencies to secure your company media are gone. Thanks to social media and companies like HARO it is easier then ever to handle your companies PR in-house. HARO allows reporters to find their sources for stories and allows entrepreneurs to easily secure great media opportunities, at no cost.

Fundraising In Hot And Cold Markets

The following post was published on the Knowledge@Wharton website on November 10, 2015. It’s the ultimate financial conundrum for entrepreneurs: They need money in order to make money. Investment is key to growing a fledgling business, but it can also be one of the toughest components to secure. In “Dynamic Adverse Selection: Time Varying Market Conditions and Endogenous Entry,”Pavel Zryumov, a Wharton professor of finance, explores the fundraising process in both hot and cold markets, finding that in cold market conditions, entrepreneurs and firms with projects above the average quality strategically delay their fundraising decisions. An edited transcript of the conversation appears below. Crucial to Growth

Top Ten Tax Cases (And Rulings) Of 2015: #6 - More Bad News For The Marijuana Industry

It’s finally over. The October 15th tax deadline is behind us, which means tax practitioners have mercifully finished their filings for the year. Unless of course, you chose to make your career in the not-for-profit world, in which case you deserve the extra month of misery.

Mexico Media Roundup: Education Reform And Economic Growth

November has been an interesting month in Mexico. In addition to reports about ongoing violence in the states of Guerrero and Michoacan, Mexico saw its GDP growth forecast reduced. Nevertheless, many analysts continue to remain optimistic about Mexico's long-term growth prospects.

The Hidden Threat To The Coworking Movement

With coworking giant We Work at a reported $10 billion valuation and many competitors crowding into the market, it might seem that there’s never been a better time for free agents to find a cool, shared office space. But in many big cities, this popular alternative to working from home faces a big threat: high real estate prices.

Social Media For Health Care, Who's Doing It Right

Social media marketing for health care provides unprecedented opportunities for educating patients, increasing outreach, and recruiting a new generation of health care professionals. These five standout campaigns will show you how it’s done.

If You Want Something Done, Delegate It Yourself

Delegation is not a binary thing. There are more options than being a dictator or an anarchist. If you want to get things done, learn how to delegate yourself.

What Causes Americans The Most Stress? [Infographic]

A survey conducted by GfK has revealed that money, self-pressure and lack of sleep are the three major causes of stress in people's daily lives across the globe. Overall, nearly three in ten people said that the amount of money they have to live on is their leading cause of stress. As people get older, health issues also develop into a major stress factor.

Millennial CEO Rachel Cohen Shakes Up The Home Goods Market With Snowe

After Millennials Rachel Cohen and Andrés Modak finished their MBA’s from The Wharton School of Business and moved to New York, the couple became frustrated with the current home goods selection available for their new apartment. Believing that there was a gap in the market for customers looking for well made foundation pieces for the dining room, bathroom and bedroom, the duo decided to launch Snowe. Snowe is a no middle-man approach to homewares, and it’s quickly becoming known as the Everlane of home goods. Offering unfussy home essentials made from high-quality materials, Snowe offers products at direct-to-consumer prices.

The Good And The Bad Of Keeping Your Day Job During Startup

Although keeping day jobs helps bootstrap a startup, somebody needs to wake up everyday thinking about the business.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

50 Green Companies Offering Discounts For Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday

This weekend marks a crucial time of year for retailers. While physical stores look to Black Friday to tip the scales of their annual profitability, online stores beckon consumers with Cyber Monday and, now, Giving Tuesday deals for shops promoting on sustainable, ethical and charitable wares.

This Is What France's New Surveillance Laws Look Like

Since December 2014, France passed four separate laws expanding surveillance authority, data collection, and data retention. Since the Paris attacks (and with several suspects still at large), France expanded its 1955 State of Emergency law. Access policy analyst Estelle Mass has posted a detailed analysis of French surveillance. One change is that while the Home Affairs minister was previously allowed to place individuals under house arrest if “there are serious reasons to believe that his/her behavior constitutes a threat to security and public order,” his has now been expanded to also permit invasive surveillance. The government can also limit or suspend internet communications. It can also block websites that promote or incite terrorism without needing a judge's permission. Additionally, French president François Hollande is also proposing modifications to the French constitution.

UK To Create 'Shale Wealth Fund' Atop Hydrocarbon Taxation Support

Apart from the US and Canada, only Argentina and China happen to be producing either natural gas from shale formations or crude oil from tight formations at an international level. The UK is desperate to join the club, more so as the best days of its North Sea oil and gas assets appear to be behind it.

The Year's Dumbest Comments On Encryption And Surveillance

The dumbest quotes about encryption and surveillance from the last year or so.

Read This First, Before You Publish A Post On LinkedIn

It’s no secret thought leadership is the element of PR and content marketing that is currently compelling small businesses most. And now, LinkedIn’s platform makes long form publishing available to every subscriber, providing entrepreneurs of every variety with access in one degree or another to their entire network of more than 780 million.

'Worrying' 9 Per Cent Of Encrypted Web Vulnerable To Private Key Attacks

Hackers can easily impersonate a large range of web devices because networking vendors, from Cisco to Huawei to D-Link, are leaving encryption keys open to theft.

The Tallest Mountain In The World Is Surprisingly Debatable

Dependent on your frame of reference, there are three mountains that could arguably be the tallest mountain in the world

The Number One Way To Get Employees To Use Collaboration Technologies

Many of the themes surrounding the Future of Work are enabled by technology. The big challenge for many organizations involves getting employees to use new technologies such as collaboration tools and internal social networks. If employees do not use them, it makes it difficult for the components and themes involving the future of work to actually become possible for example flexible work, real-time feedback, or abolishing annual employee reviews. Typically, when technology is deployed within an organization, the focus is on its benefits to the organization as a whole. Pushing forward the benefits such as cost cutting, productivity, and making money for the organization does not always appeal to the employee as an individual benefit.

Meet The College Student Who Turned $1,000 Into $1,000,000

When Demitrios Bekas finished high school back in the 1974, he had a burning desire to start his own business. But his parents didn’t share his passion; they had other plans for him. “Go to college and get me a degree,” his father repeated every single day at the dinner table.

Why Small Business Saturday Is Massive Millennial Business

Millennial are shopping in droves, are you capitalizing? Small businesses everywhere are focused on Saturday's Small Business Saturday. Started by American Express in 2010, it's a day to support “the little guys.” This shopping event occurs the weekend after Thanksgiving, with a spending estimate of $15 billion. The motto – “Shop Local” or “Shop Small” – expresses two sentiments that are getting Millennials moving.

American Airlines' Loyalty Program Revamp Drives Benefits To Elite, While Budget Travelers Lose

Loyalty programs across the legacy carriers have been evolving over the last two years to become leaner and less lucrative for passengers. Delta and United both changed their programs starting last year to incorporate ticket revenue into their calculation for elite status and earned miles. In a nutshell, the more passengers spent, the faster they would earn elite status and miles to redeem for awards.

H-E-B's 15% Investment in Loyalty: How A Family-Run Chain May Upstage Walmart, Others

Supermarket chain H-E-B’s plan to give its workers a stake in the company hints at technological capabilities that enable retailers to better compensate their workers. The task is balancing the benefit of better compensation against using the savings to improve the bottom line.

The Gender Pay Gap Will Close, But We'll Have To Wait Another 118 Years

In 2015, women are more educated and better prepared for the workforce than ever before. However, in the U.S. and worldwide, their paychecks still don’t match their earning potential of their male peers.

8 Metrics To Help You Understand Your Mobile Audience

This article will show you where to look in Google Analytics to find out specifically how your mobile users are accessing your content.

Women In Biotech: Report Celebrates Britain's Female Life Science Entrepreneurs

Described by the UK government as “a jewel in the crown” of the economy, Britain's life science sector boasts an annual turnover of £30bn and employs around 70,000 people across 380 companies. And in the government's view – as laid out in its strategy for the sector – this is an industry where the UK can establish a leadership position, particularly in the emerging field of harnessing genomic data. It's also an industry where startups and early are expected to play an important role in driving innovation . And according to BioBeat, an organisation established in 2012 to bring “fresh energy and growth” to the sector, women are set to play a vital and transformational within the industry. On the face of it, bio-science is a male dominated industry, at least at the most senior levels. According to a survey by the UK BioIndustry Association, only half of its member companies have female representation on the board. So while the industry is attractive to women, the report indicates that very few are completing the journey right to the top. But that's not the whole story. Last week BioBeat published its second 50 Movers and Shakers Report, compiled to highlight the achievements of inspirational women working within life sciences. The results are illuminating. Out of the fifty women celebrated by the report, almost half – 23 to be precise – are entrepreneurs who have founded their own companies.

Passports Required For Domestic Travel In 2016, But IRS Can Revoke Passports For Taxes

Passports are no longer just for international travel. You may need them on domestic flights too. So if the IRS takes yours until you pay your taxes, how will you get around?

MapR And Big Data In The World's Largest Biometric Database Project

India’s Aadhaar project is one of the world’s most ambitious big data projects, aiming to collect, store, and utilize biometric information from a population of over a billion people – so of course there are challenges, but also an incredible opportunity, says MapR, the company behind the technology.

Great Books, Grand Challenges: Energy Education In The 21st Century

By Andrew Hamilton, Honors College

The Moral Dimension To Energy And Energy Policy

By Jim Granato, Hobby Center for Public Policy

Can Energy Management Software Be The Link For Customer Engagement And Compliance?

By Casey Talon

More Black Friday Hotel Deals

Gain early access to secret deals at the Westgate, or $1,000 to spend on spa treatments and sushi by Morimoto with these Black Friday travel deals.

A Year After Oil's Black Friday, Consolidation In The Drilling Industry Nears

A year after oil's 'Black Friday,' options in the energy patch are limited and many c-suites may finally be warming up to the idea that consolidation is the path towards stronger financial footing.

World's Biggest Oil Companies - 2015

World's Biggest Oil Companies - 2015

Electric Scooters Will Revolutionize Public Transport - Here's How

Sit-down scooters have been a mainstay in many countries for years - often countries with little-to-no underground urban transport, or with overcrowded streets that require traffic navigation. When I went to China last year they were everywhere. I meet Joe Meaney at Web Summit, who is the only licensed distributor of the E-skoot in the UK and Ireland, knows that there is a huge market left untapped: the small, foldable, electric kick scooter.

31 Black Friday And Cyber Monday Steals From Top Hotels

Our Forbes Travel Guide editors help you jump-start your holiday shopping with a list of not-to-miss deals at some of our favorite hotels

Osborne's Buy-To-Let Attack May Not Work But It Is Entirely Fair

George Osborne's new tax on buy-to-let policies represents a redistribution of wealth from rich to not so rich.

7 Ways Crowdfunding Is The Way Of The Future

Crowdfunding may have gained momentum in the mainstream the last few years, but isn't actually a new, or even a modern, concept. One of the earliest crowdfunded projects welcomes visitors to New York City. The American Committee of the Statue of Liberty couldn't scrape together a third of the costs, and the Governor Grover Cleveland wouldn’t pay for it. Stuck without a solution, New York World publisher Joseph Pulitzer (yes, that Pulitzer) took to his own newspaper and in a few months raised over $100,000.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Confusion is Next: Pandora Buys Rdio. What's An Artist To Do? Part 1

Pandora is in the process of purchasing the interactive streaming service, Rdio. With this acquisition, might Pandora change their approach, and in so doing gain financial leverage over independent artists? George Howard ....

Why Ojai Valley Inn Is Betting On El NiƱo Weather

Ojai Valley Inn & Spa is offering two packages to escape the rain this winter

The New Unicorns And The End Of 'Innovation' As We Know It

2015 held many important milestones for corporate technology innovation.

Last Minute Holiday Preparation For Small Business Owners

The holidays can be the most stressful time of year for small business owners. There’s usually a surge of business, especially with retail, which can lead to inventory shortages, employee mishaps, and overall stress. So what can you do to make the holidays seem a little less stressful?

Why Chancellor George Osborne's Autumn Statement Is Good News For Entrepreneurs

Why the UK Chancellor's statement is mostly good news for Britain's business owners.

Would You Bike To Work If Your Employer Paid You To Do It?

People are lazy. Except, of course, for those high school friends-turned-Beachbody coaches who dominate your Facebook feed. Those people are WORKOUT MACHINES.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

PlayStation Network Encryption? It's Not That Good

Network security researcher Ethan Heilman takes a look at PS4's cryptographic protocols. Here's what he found.

8 Myths That Can Inhibit Innovation In Your Business

Starting an entrepreneurial business, or maintaining the competitiveness of a mature business, requires innovation. Yet everyone I know seems to have a different perspective on what constitutes real innovation, and why is seems to happen so rarely. Another challenge is to debunk some of the common myths that seem prevent many from even assuming they can innovate.

Creationists are Mad About Google Doodle Depicting Evolution

Daesh (the so-called "Islamic State") probably isn't very happy either

Aiphone Relocates Corporate Headquarters

Aiphone Corporation, an international manufacturer of intercom and entry security products, is relocating its 53 full-time corporate employees to Redmond, Washington.

Deutsche Bank Tests Password-Free Mobile Security

Deutsche Bank is considering scrapping traditional passwords in favor of thumbprint technology, facial recognition, and smart tech that knows how you hold a phone.

Wayne Smith Appointed President of Tech Systems Inc.

Tech Systems Inc. (TSI) has appointed Wayne Smith president. He assumed responsibilities on November 11, 2015, following the official announcement to TSI’s employee-owners by Darryl Keeler, company founder who now serves as CEO and chairman.

Where Is Healthcare's Breakout Data Science Company?

It’s easier to get someone to click on an ad than to avoid a donut. Even the most compelling user interface may not matter very much once someone steps away from the keyboard, or puts their smartphone back in their pocket.

Tax Geek Tuesday: Reminding You That The Gain On That Sale Of Stock May Be Tax Free

C corporations are like pit bulls and prostate exams — they carry quite the stigma, but they’re not nearly as bad as they’re made out to be.

Cars Are Still Vulnerable To Hacking, But Thanks To I Am The Cavalry, Some Progress Has Been Made

In August 2014, I Am The Cavalry warned the auto industry about car vulnerabilities, and offered to work with industry insiders to address five areas of concern. Here's where the industry is at.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ola's Big $500M Intake Fuels Its Engines To Keep A Lead In India's Hot Tech Scene

Evidence of India’s fast-moving startup scene can be found in the recent $500 million fund raising for Ola, one of those popular ride-sharing apps and one of India’s unicorn companies.

How To Fly On A Supersonic Jet

With a list price of $120 million for the Aerion AS2, it might seem like you have to be a billionaire to fly it. However, has found a multitude of possibilities that may end up opening up supersonic flights to a rich, yet far broader audience.

A Practical Guide To The Encryption Debate: A Failure Of Analysis Not Encryption

A brief history of the ‘crypto wars,’ the unintended impacts of weakening encryption, and why the trouble is not with encryption, but rather our failure to analyze the material we have

The Biggest M&A Deals Of 2015

The Biggest M&A Deals Of 2015

You Register Your Cars, Your Guns And Now An FAA Task Force Suggests The Same For Your Drones

The drone task force recommended that drone operators be required to register with the FAA.

Like Drug Companies, Big Chipmakers Are Planning To Spend On M&A Instead of R&D

Large companies in both sectors are pulling back their risky research and development spending, revamping their operations to focus on efficiency, and looking towards M&A activity to grow their earnings and products.

Five Reasons Why There Are More Women CIOs Than CEOs or CFOs

This is my 200th contribution to the Technovation column. My team has had a chance to slice and dice the data behind the many extraordinary technology executives and innovators who have been featured in the 199 prior columns since October of 2012, and there were some particularly interesting conclusions that developed based on the women executives who have been featured. Accomplished female IT executives are more likely to take on additional responsibilities in addition to CIO roles. These CIO-pluses include CIOs who head Human resources, Shared Services, Integrated and Behavioral Medicine, and Operations. They are also joining boards at a higher rate than their male counterparts. Let's quantify where things stand.

How To Make Customers The Best Advocates For Your Company

A customer referral can be a powerful force. In one study, the Wharton School of Business found that referred customers had a 16% higher lifetime value than other customers, which makes that cohort a key to the success of any business. While it is impossible to guarantee that your customers will tell others about your company, you can stack the odds in your favor with these steps:

Black Friday Watch: iPhone Rival ZTE Is Building A Cyber Phone For The Chinese Government

Black Friday is a few days away and one of the special deals being offered by Walmart is the "Walmart Family Mobile ZTE Zmax Smartphone". Sounds all warm and fuzzy... Mom, Dad and the kids can sign up for a plan from America's hometown apple pie retailer and everyone gets a new Android phone for taking pictures, texting, surfing the web, and downloading their favorite apps.

HSNi CEO's Seeing Children's Plight First Hand 'Emboldened' Effort

HSNi's efforts to support needy children around the world through its partnership with the U.S. Fund for UNICEF provide lessons for social entrepreneurs seeking to have impact at scale.

Criminals Steal $4 Million In Cash With Novel 'Reverse ATM' Attack

Never-seen-before exploitation of the financial system, involving international money mules, hacked American point of sale systems and Russian hackers, sees millions pilfered from a range of banks.

Baker Hughes And Halliburton Still Waiting For Godot In Brussels

By Francesca Micheletti

The Future Of Ad Targeting In An IoT World

This article is by Val Katayev, cofounder at MobileFuse.

Top 10 Black Friday Tips For Small Businesses

Top 10 Black Friday Tips For Small Businesses

Amy Porterfield On Marie Forleo's Mentorship In Growing Her Multimillion-Dollar Business

Amy Porterfield openly shares how Marie Forleo's mentorship was a game-changer.

6 Unusual Habits Of Exceptionally Creative People

I’ve developed an obsession with some of history’s most creative minds in the hope that I might learn some tricks to expand my own creative productivity. Some of the things I’ve learned are more useful than others, and some are simply too weird to try. Steve Jobs, for example, routinely sat

7 Cost Effective Marketing Strategies For Growing A New Brand

In marketing your brand, it’s important to find a balance between the cost and the results. Particularly for a new brand that’s trying to grow, the goal is to maximize your ROI, by finding the most effective strategies for the least amount of money. Here are some of the best and most cost-effective marketing strategies to explore.

Overstock's Byrne Offers Advice To Social Entrepreneurs

Patrick Byrne, founder and CEO of Overstock, offers advice to social entrepreneurs and other changemakers in a live interview on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 6:00 PM Eastern.

The Ultimate Tactical Checklist For Promoting Your Next Blog Post

The next time you hit ‘publish’, run through this list to make sure your content gets the attention it deserves!

Build The Product You Want To Sell

Businessman and bestselling author Harvey Mackey wrote, “To me, job titles don’t matter. Everyone is in sales. It’s the only way we stay in business.”

Gift Guide For The Frequent Traveler

Got a frequent traveler in your life? Looking to get them the perfect gift? This is the guide for you.

An Adventure Empire: How A Safari Entrepreneur Built A Brand On Exotic Travel

Nowadays bespoke luxury travel in the world’s wilder regions is a fact of life for those with means. But back when Geoffrey Kent got into the game in Kenya in the mid 1960s, the idea of being pampered in the wilderness was simply ludicrous.

Five Things To Know As L.A.'s Petersen Auto Museum Reopens

What you need to know as L.A.'s Petersen Automotive Museum reopens next month.

Three Steps To Help Your Team Spend Time On The Right Things

New initiatives are necessary to move an organization forward. But without a conscious ongoing strategy for managing the time involved, the chances of success may be limited and short-lived. Here are three steps that managers can take.

Self-Developing Organizations, Individualized Learning And The Future Of Work

We can no longer rely on our educational institutions or organizations to teach us everything we know to be successful and relevant. Organizations must learn to self develop and as individuals we must learn to take education and training into our own hands. To explore this in more detail I'm joined by two guests from Skillsoft in the latest episode of The Future of Work Podcast.

Monday's Must-Reads For Entrepreneurs: Square's Account Deactivation Problem

Today’s news and insights for business owners, including a crash course in content marketing.

Oxycontin Maker Says Chicago Trying To Usurp FDA's Authority

Purdue Pharma has filed a brief along with four other manufacturers of opiod painkillers seeking to halt a lawsuit by the City of Chicago, saying it would be impossible to decide the case without determining whether the addictive pills are safe and effective, a job for the Food and Drug Administration.

Why Black Friday Specials Were Great For My Business (For A While)

Black Friday can be a great time for small business owners. A conversation with an entrepreneur across the pond got me thinking about discounting and selling longer plans for up-front payment. I write about the lessons learned from my Black Friday specials.

How Anonymous and Southwest Airlines Fight Terror

Governmental, organizational and individual reactions and overreactions to the terrorist attacks in Paris and Mali run the gamut and have spurred both fear and action. Global hacker group Anonymous suddenly morphed from Guy Fawkes to Charles Bronson in mounting an attack on ISIS's vast online and social networks.
"A hundred thousand twitter accounts have been taken down and five thousand YouTube videos reported to, and subsequently removed by, the service, since the cyberwar began in January."

Cities Seeking Tech Success Need Cooperation From Local Big Companies

Earlier, I wrote about the challenges facing Chicago—or any other city outside of the Bay Area—when trying to become a place where tech has a critical mass of innovative companies and people. It's process that takes decades; it took Silicon Valley/San Francisco that long. It's incorrect to think that other places, with fewer natural advantages, can hack this natural evolution.

Doyle Security Systems Acquires Alert Protective Systems

SDM 100 45th ranked Doyle Security Systems Inc., a regional provider of residential and commercial security, fire and medical monitoring systems, has acquired the accounts of Alert Protective Systems Inc.

Green Gift Guide: The Best Warm Winter Wear For Kids

When it comes to cold weather comfort for kids, the stores are still lined with products made from environmentally damaging toxic fabrics like polyester and (to the surprise of many), traditional cotton. However, as the consumer appetite for more sustainable products has grown, so has the number of companies offering eco-friendly alternatives. It’s now possible to find everything from winter Onesies® to fleece mittens made from sustainable organic materials. Here are some of the most reputable brands offering high-quality organic, recycled and otherwise earth-friendly products to keep your baby or toddler warm this winter. These companies prove that going green is now mainstream, and remind us that consumers do not have to sacrifice quality or comfort to keep their kids cozy and chemical-free this holiday season.

Financial Gravity: How To Talk To Your Kids About Money

My job as a financial planner and wealth manager is to help clients create the most wealth and help them make smart tax, legal and financial decisions. Implicit in this advice is the goal to help clients create richer, more meaningful lives. However, in working with clients over the years, I have noticed one issue that has created a great deal of anxiety. It's one of the biggest fears affluent parents have -- leaving their kids money. Let me go through some of the numbers and then we're going to talk about some ideas as to how we can help the parents and also the kids.

Latest BlackBerry Leak Could Point To New Samsung Galaxy

Online benchmarking tool GFXBench has recorded the appearance of a potential new smartphone from BlackBerry. The model is identified as STV100-1 and features a WQHD screen, a fifteen megapixel camera, and Samsung's Exynos chipset as its CPU. Could this be the Samsung Galaxy BlackBerry that was rumoured to be in existence earlier this year?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Embracing The Awful Irony At A Huge Anti-Terror Fair In Paris Days After ISIS Attacks

All kinds of anti-terror tech, drones, guns and surveillance kit are on show at Milipol Paris, just days after terrorists killed 129 people in the French capital. ISIS just handed the exhibitors a huge sales opportunity and we're there to embrace the irony.

How Proprietary Tech Is Changing The Service Industry

It’s important for organizations that want to be successful to recognize that service alone isn’t enough for today’s customers. The method for delivering service — the app, the website, the subscription portal — is what will drive loyalty, engagement, and revenue.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Marissa Mayer: A Case Study In Poor Leadership

image thumbnail - see full story for attributions
AP Photo/Lionel Cironneau, File In March of 2013 I authored an article predicting the demise of Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer. Here's the thing - not every talented, successful executive is CEO ready; Mayer is a textbook example of this. It was obvious from the early days, at least to those paying attention, that Mayer didn't

Apple's CEO On Encryption: "You Can't Have A Back Door That's Only For The Good Guys"

There's a burning debate - bordering on a battle - between the U.S. government and technology companies over encryption.

iPhone 7 May Pack 3-4 GB Memory, More Storage; 4-Inch Comeback is Rumored

Waterproofing is also in the forecast for the tenth generation devices (which are likely to be named the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7+)

SIAC Adds Former FBI Executive Bob Pence

The Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) has added law enforcement veteran Bob Pence to its team.

Jumping On The Carried Interest Tax Bandwagon

Hand in hand with the question of how much a private equity should earn is how much tax they should pay on those earnings.

ISC East Still in Full Swing on Day 2

While ISC and SIA teams are hard at work for the entire security industry on a daily basis, these efforts of improving businesses and careers to ensure those who are served by the industry are safe and secure are seen being demonstrated at ISC East.

10 Leadership Traits That Predict Higher Engagement And Lower Burnout

Key traits that can make the difference between your best employees staying or leaving.

Security Industry Works Together to Help Children in Need

At SIA Honors Night, a slide show and speech was delivered by Alan Forman, president and CEO, Altronix and advisory board member of Mission 500, who highlighted some milestones since this organization was launched in the security industry in 2007.

Awards Abound at SIA Honors Night

Along Manhattan’s Hudson River lies Chelsea Piers, a 28-acre waterfront village for public recreation and waterfront access; so with flowing water and boats of all shapes and sizes in view, what better place to host SIA Honors Night.

For Dividend Hungry Investors, BDC Stock Boom Turns Into A Bust

Business development companies, the great yield vehicles that emerged from Dodd Frank Act, are acting like a crisis has already happened. The fact that credit conditions are benign underscores how mismanaged the industry is.

In Honor of Frank De Fina

SIA Honors Night at Current at Chelsea Piers celebrated performance, partnerships and people in the security industry with a cocktail reception, dinner, award presentations and a dessert reception. It was with pride and great respect that SIA honored Frank De Fina with the 2015 George R. Lippert Memorial Award.

How To Build A Billion Dollar Company: The Method Behind Today's 'Unicorn' Madness

The most recent Unicorns are being developed in as little as 36 months, with the combination of strong Founders, forward-thinking investors, and aggressive teams using a cycle of three main tactics: (1) the Push, (2) the Markup, and (3) the Backfill.

Duffy, Per Mar Recognized at Honeywell Connect Conference

On October 24, 2015, at the annual Honeywell Connect Conference in Scottsdale, Ariz., Honeywell hosted a dinner and awards ceremony during which Per Mar Security Services CEO Michael Duffy was honored with a lifetime achievement award.

Watchdog Says IRS Audits Of Rich Should Target $600,000 Plus Crowd, Not Those Earning $200,000

Is the IRS?s high-income taxpayer audit strategy aiming too low?

Stanley Security Acquires SentryNet

Stanley Security Solutions, a global provider of electronic security services and products, has acquired SentryNet, a wholesale monitoring company, which will continue to operate under its own name.

15 Ways To Invite An IRS Audit

15 Ways To Invite An IRS Audit

Major League Baseball Legend & SIA Hit a Homerun

Former Major League Baseball (MLB) right fielder and perhaps one of the most feared sluggers in the game, standing at 6-ft. 6-in. tall, Darryl Strawberry Sr., aka “Straw” or “The Straw Man,” will be at ISC East this year making a celebrity appearance to sign autographs for fans.

This Week In Credit Card News: Slow Card Readers May Spur Mobile Pay, Who Buys Digital Gift Cards?

Why Your Merchant Clients Should Offer Digital Gift Cards, All Year Long

ISC East Mobile App Links to My Show

To easily organize and customize the ISC East 2015 experience, download the free, official mobile app from

Why The Pursuit Of Perfection Hinders Progress For Leaders

As we consider how to be whole and well in all areas of our lives, we can each make tweaks to find more peace, purpose and enjoyment in life.

Connected Security Expo: Providing a Holistic View of Security

With ISC East off to a good start, event organizer Reed Exhibitions along with the sponsorship of the Security Industry Association (SIA) are gearing up for the Connected Security Expo (CSE).

12 Spectacular Hard Ciders You've Never Heard Of

Hard ciders are having a moment?and Hotel Vermont?s Matt Canning found the best hard cider brands to try right now.

A Roundup of What ISC East 2015 Has to Offer

The Javits Center, New York City, is alive and buzzing today with a certain energy that only the security industry can bring with the opening of ISC East 2015.

Why Business Leaders Make Time to Write a Book

Being a published author is the quickest path to becoming an expert who attracts new clients. So why doesn’t every business leader have a book?

Latest Global Retail Theft Barometer Study Finds U.S. Retail Shrink Up

Shrink, comprised of shoplifting, employee or supplier fraud, and administrative errors, rose in the U.S. from 1.28 percent of sales in 2013-2014 to 1.97 percent during 2014-2015, according to responses from common retail respondents who participated in Global Retail Theft Barometer surveys both years.

5 High Tech Ways Companies Are Tackling Food Waste During The Holiday Season

In 2013, Americans threw away 204 million pounds of turkey, according to the NRDC. That's $277 million worth. Or put another way: the resources it took to grow those turkeys is the equivalent to the amount of water needed to supply New York City for 100 days. The US Department of Agriculture reports that 35 percent of turkey is not consumed during the holiday season.

Friday, November 20, 2015

U.S. Stadium Security Expert Reacts to Paris Attacks

When terrorists attacked several locations in Paris last Friday night — including the Stade de France stadium where a friendly soccer match was taking place — U.S. venues immediately took notice.

Cause and Effect Meets Humanity and the World Changed

This is Jim’s traditional Thanksgiving column.

Health Data Will Always Be Uniquely Personal: Q&A With Imprivata's CEO About Healthcare Security

Health data will always be uniquely personal and without automation, the digital revolution will not be fully realized in healthcare, says Omar Hussain, CEO of Imprivata. Unity Stoakes Q&A session about security in the rapidly changing world of healthcare.

More Banks Spill Tax Evasion Secrets To Avoid Criminal Charges, Account Holders Beware

With FATCA, FBARs and non-prosecution agreements, the IRS has an array of techniques to find offshore accounts.

Need A Good Crash Course in Content Marketing? Start Here

Learn the basics behind creating an effective content marketing program in just 6 minutes- the advantages, tools and audience responses.

With Try The World, Celebrity Chefs Do Your International Grocery Shopping

Try The World is a subscription service, like Birchbox or Blue Apron, that delivers novelty food items from around the world. Every two months, subscribers get a box filled with hard-to-find goods from a new country.

The Five Marketing Trends CMOs Can No Longer Ignore In 2016

Many have been discussed for a while, talked about in general terms as real changes on the horizon for marketers. But these “hot trends” are no longer mere expectations—they’re here now, some experts contend, and will only solidify as practice in 2016. So what are the hottest marketing trends right now, the ones that will only get hotter in 2016? The ones CMOs had better pay attention to, lest they forfeit competitive advantage?

How To Build A Market That Doesn't Exist

Sure, you?ve got an awesome product, but is there a market? If the answer is 'not yet', then build it.

The 3 Factors That Make Content Successful

To point frustrated content marketers in the right direction, I?ve boiled down the factors for content success to three main factors.

UK Startup Activity Rises Sharply - But Where Are the Breakthrough Businesses?

In the space of a few short years, the United Kingdom has made the transition from a nation of employees ? some more motivated than others - to a country that is increasingly characterized by the entrepreneurial zeal of its citizens. Well perhaps that's overstating things by some degree. But what

Luxury 50+ Consumers Gravitate Toward Personal Experiences

The luxury segment is still very much about the personal touch it provides to loyal customers—wealthy consumers over the age of 50 like to interact in person with luxury brands, according to “Engaging 50+ Consumers in a Digital World”, a new report from Forbes Insights and Wealth Engine.

The 6 People At Work To Thank Before Thanksgiving, And After

It’s almost Thanksgiving, so if you’re anything like us, you’re more than ready to head home for a few days, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy the feast you’ve been dreaming about since last year’s stomachache subsided. But before you pack your bags for the long weekend, stop and think about the people you’re grateful for at work: the individuals whose support or guidance enabled you to innovate and bring your best every day.

Bates Security Acquires Kentucky Alarm Services

Bates Security, a residential and commercial security services provider of security, video, fire protection, access control, and life safety and environmental monitoring services, announced the recent acquisition of Kentucky Alarm Services from Ken and Sandy Duff.

Thompson Creek Metals' Chicken And Egg Dilemma

By Kyle Younker

Study Finds Tight School Security can have Negative Consequences

Security measures in American high schools can have unintended consequences that hinder, rather than help students learn, according to research by the University at Buffalo.

SIAC’s Executive Director Stan Martin Named NSA Committee Post Member

The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) has named Stan Martin, executive director of the Security Industry Alarm Coalition, for membership in its outreach committee.

Major NFL Match-up: Disparaging Speech Versus The First Amendment

18 distinguished law professors filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the trademark of D.C.'s NFL team despite the trademark's offensiveness.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

CEA Changes Name to ‘Consumer Technology Association’

Last week, the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) unveiled its new name — the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) — to be adopted immediately.

Google's VirusTotal Makes Scanning Websites For Malware Fast And Easy

Google has quietly snapped up some interesting cybersecurity tools over the years. In 2012, they acquired VirusTotal - an online virus and malware scanner which continues to operate on its own at

Recent Linkups By China-Israel VCs And Tech Startups Spell More Opportunity Than Risk

Israel and China are exploring a new silk route together from Tel Aviv to Beijing that boost startups, VCs and tech in both places.

DHS and TSA: Whoops, We Missed That 73 Airport Employees May be Terrorists

Security theater closes another embarassing act, following failure to detect weapons at 95 percent of TSA checkpoints

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Both FBI And Carnegie Mellon Are Now Denying 'Accuracy' Of $1 Million Tor Surveillance Payment

FBI and CMU say Tor Project's claims a $1 million payment was made to unmask Tor users in a bid to catch Silk Road 2 users and paedophiles are inaccurate. It now looks like a subpoena was submitted to by CMU.

Charlie Sheen's $10M Blackmail Tax Deduction

Charlie Sheen may have paid $10 million in hush money, but there's a good chance he can deduct it on his taxes.

Glenn Beck's Attempt at Anti-Refugee Meme Proves He's Really, Really Dumb

People appear quite willing to accept fantastic (and obvious) lies as reality to justify their anti-immigrant/anti-refugee views

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

U.S. Stadium Security Expert Reacts to Paris Attacks

Editor's note: the following is a report courtesy of SDM Magazine,

When terrorists attacked several locations in Paris last Friday night — including the Stade de France stadium where a friendly soccer match was taking place — U.S. venues immediately took notice.

Starwood And Marriott: Which Brands Are On The Chopping Block?

If the Starwood-Marriott merger goes through, there will be 19 full service brands from Ritz-Carlton and St. Regis to Renaissance, Le Meridien, Sheraton, Marriott, Westin, AC, Autograph, Bulgari and more. Should they all survive? Or is having so many brands confusing to consumers? We asked the experts.

How To Be A Good Online Citizen In The Wake Of A Tragedy

Following news of horrible events such as the terrorist attacks in Paris, Lebanon, Beirut or any other tragedy, turning to social media to express sympathies or other reactions is normal. But sometimes our instinctive responses can do more harm than good.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tri-Ed’s Pat Comunale Raises Awareness for Men's Health

Things look to be getting a bit hairy for Tri-Ed President and CEO Pat Comunale. Comunale is taking on the challenge to make November his hairiest month in about 40 years by sprouting a moustache to raise awareness and funds for the Movember Foundation.

Surveillance Complex Urged To 'Stop Blaming Cryptography For Paris Attacks'

Security experts are concerned about the exploitation of a tragedy to increase surveillance and the focus on technology rather than failures of human intelligence, following the massacres in Paris.

Chat With Climber Melissa Arnot, Part 2: How She Broke Up A Fist Fight High On Everest

In Part 1 of our chat with Melissa Arnot at New York’s American Alpine Club section dinner, she discussed fear, her commitment to the Sherpa people of Nepal and her goal of climbing Mt. Everest without supplemental oxygen. Here, the 31-year-old opens up about diffusing a fistfight at 21,000 feet, what it’s like as a woman guide in a mountaineering world dominated by men and the new climbing films “Meru” and “Everest.”

The Increase In Retirement Costs You May Not Have Heard About

This fall, several governmental programs and taxes were updated or changed, and they can affect your bottom line. If so, the cost of retiring from your business just went up.

Anonymous Targets ISIS (Should PlayStation Users Beware?)

Anonymous has taken to YouTube to launch an online attack on ISIS and its supporters - could this mean another PlayStation hack is on the cards?

OnePlus One, OnePlus 2 Will Receive Android Marshmallow in Q1 2016

The road to Android 6.0 is a slow one, but at least OnePlus has committed to a quasi-definitive update schedule

M&A: Strike Quickly And Decisively -- Or Lose

Buying a distressed company may be cheap and can help boost growth, such as with new product lines, customers and markets. But unless done right – and with tremendous discipline – the results can easily be disastrous.

Meet The 'Ultrasonic' Tracking Company Privacy Activists Are Terrified Of

SilverPush, an Indian firm registered in San Francisco, tracks people across devices using inaudible sounds and is making millions in revenue doing so. Privacy activists loathe the idea, but the company tells FORBES it is conscious of privacy concerns.

Lawsuit Finance Contracts Are Loans, Colorado Supreme Court Rules

Colorado's highest court rules that litigation-finance contracts are indeed loans subject to consumer-finance laws.

Android Phone Lets You Share Secrets

Phil Zimmermann says that people have the right to whisper in each other's ears and tell secrets - and he's been enabling the digital equivalent of that since the early 1990s.

It's Official: Medicare Part B Premiums Will Rise 16% In 2016 For Some Seniors

A wealthy senior couple will pay almost $10,000 in Part B premiums for 2016.

Surprising Artist Among Billboard's 'Greatest Of All Time' Rankings

Can you name the artist with the most Top 10 album debuts this century? The answer just might surprise you.

18 Brands You Didn't Know Belong To Marriott

18 Brands You Didn't Know Belong To Marriott

Embattled Unicorn Zenefits Admits Revenue Growth Slower Than Expected

Zenefits, a cloud-based human resources platform, is one of San Francisco’s hottest startups—but now it’s under fire.

Prison Reform Agenda Pushes Private Equity-Backed Securus Toward Fight For Survival

By Andrew Berlin

How Your E-Commerce Business Can Succeed This Holiday Season

Before you let loose with a “Ho, ho, ho,” take stock of where you stand. Is your site ready? Is your marketing ready? Is your staff ready? Is your stock ready?

How The 'Failure Is A Good Thing' Concept Is Hurting Entrepreneurs

These new ideas like the 'Power of Failure' and 'failure is a good thing' have gotten out of hand, especially when it comes to building companies and winning teams. Fast-growth entrepreneurs should not run their companies with this pro-failure mindset where livelihoods are at stake.

Why Every Company Needs To Be A Platform Company

My guest for this week’s Future of Work Podcast is Régis Mulot, who is the Executive Vice President of Human Resources at Staples (they don't have a Chief HR Officer title but if they did it would be him!) and also a speaker a the recent forum for the Future of Work Community. A platform company partners and incorporates technology from multiple corporations, partners, nonprofits, and educational institutions to drive business performance and build ecosystems. While this concept is not new, it is growing and evolving. Instead of only concentrating on what is going on inside a company, the focus is shifted to building networks outside of the organization. These networks assist in building a stronger, more profitable platform company.

How To Run A Meeting That Matters

Been to a great meeting lately? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Ridding the Supply Chain Of Conflict Minerals

Companies and consumers alike are more aware of the goods they buy. Increasingly, they are looking to the supply chain to understand whether some of those purchasing decisions are supporting conflicts in warzones.

Need Brilliant Hybrid Hires For Your Startup? Here Are 6 Tips To Find Them

Finding great hires for a startup requires a lot more than checking off a list of skill matches.

Why Your Website Marketing Relies On The Right Web Host

There are many reasons to create a website for your business, but one of the main ones is for marketing purposes. A website can quickly increase brand awareness, help new customers find you, showcase what the business can do for them, why they should choose you, and often even help to draw the attention of the press or potential investors.

Tracking Hillary's Speech Fees: Clinton Foundation Or Pocket?

Hillary takes some speech fees as her own and assigns some to the Foundation. But how and when is that decision made, and can taxpayers pick and choose?

How Liquefied Petroleum Gas Saves Lives And Can Save More

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and other hydrocarbon products continue to save lives and could save many more if made available to more people.

Six Ways To Support Anxious Workers In The Wake Of Paris

Many will show up for work this week feeling a little less safe, on edge, even anxious since the horrific attacks in Paris. As leaders, we have an opportunity and duty to provide appropriate support and guidance.

Huh? Wow! This Exhibit Reveals The Secret To Being As Great An Artist As Ed Ruscha

According to the American artist Ed Ruscha, there's a simple rule for distinguishing between bad and good art. Bad art makes you say 'Wow! Huh?' Good art makes you say 'Huh? Wow!' It's a good rule, certainly as compelling as any philosophical criteria. (Much of the writing in the philosophical subfield of aesthetics is of the 'Wow! Huh?' variety.) But 'Huh? Wow!' is most revealing when considered in terms of Ruscha's own work, divulging what makes his art so enduringly great. It's been there practically from the start, and Ruscha seems instinctively to have understood that it was worth more than a roomful of midcentury Picasso paintings.... Essay by Jonathon Keats.

'Publishing For Peanuts' Is The Complete Guide To Innovation In Journalism Startups

"All over the world, independent media outlets are innovating and overcoming obstacles. Globally, startups are demonstrating the drive to take risks for the sake of a good idea," declared the authors of Publishing for peanuts:Innovation and the Journalism Start-up which was just released.

Is The UK Government Providing Enough Opportunity For Small Software Agencies?

A small gang of entrepreneurs and coders in London are clubbing together to try to persuade larger SAAS providers to work more closely with Small Software companies when pitching for large contracts, particularly those handed out by the government.

How To Bring Out Talent In High-Risk Kids

My daughter just spent two years teaching 4th and 5th-grade special education students in the Bronx. Last spring, she organized a career day, and I was delighted to be one of ten adults who visited the school to talk with students.

Forget Amazon And Google, The Workhorse Truck Could Be First To Use Drones To Deliver Packages

Steve Burns has a big vision: he wants all of our mail and packages to be delivered by electric trucks with drone capabilities. As co-founder and CEO of Workhorse Group Inc., he’s well on the road to bringing his vision to life, and because of the FAA’s current “line of sight” requirement for using drones, his company could be the first actually delivering packages by air.

Clovis Oncology: A Winning Or Losing Lottery Ticket?

When it comes to investing in small biotechnology stocks, it’s like buying lottery tickets. There is a tiny chance to win big, and a huge chance to lose part or all of the funds you invested in these companies. There is a good reason for this. Small biotech companies must commit a great deal of funds in developing products that have to pass three tests: The R&D test, the FDA test and the market test. Investing in Clovis Oncology seems to be like buying a losing lottery ticket, for example -- at least based on the action in the company’s stock. Investors who purchased the stock in the last twelve months are big losers. But it is still a winning ticket for investors who purchased the stock five years ago. Clovis’ Stock Performance

FinTech Startups Find Their Market Entry: MasterCard Announces Start Path Global Program

Often when writing about capital sources for startups, I’ve written about large corporations whose market position is reliant on helping the next generation of FinTech and commerce solution startups. And the importance of keeping them close. Today MasterCard announced it’s inaugural global Start Path class that includes 7 startups that were selected from nearly 200 applicants. MasterCard began their Start Path program in 2014 but wanted to stretch it farther globally. Could an incubator program like this provide the fuel you need to catapult your business into the mainstream?

Fish-Loving Social Entrepreneurs Launch A Startup--And Pivot Big-Time

Startup Salty Girl Seafood just won an award in the Fish 2.0 business competition, after a significant pivot

Ever Wonder How Billionaires Get To Work?

How do the super rich get to work? This question was originally answered on Quora by Bernie Klinder and Gil Silberman.

Monday's Must-Reads For Entrepreneurs: Will Square's IPO Pop The Bubble?

Today’s news and insights for business owners, including why REI employees are unhappy with the company despite its decision to close on Black Friday.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

FBI Offering Millions Of Dollars For Information On Cyber's Most Wanted

The FBI has long published a list of its Ten Most Wanted fugitives. The Most Wanted have allegedly committed heinous crimes including murder, kidnapping, rape, armed robbery, arson, racketeering, money laundering, and escape from prison.

With #UberBigBreak, Uber Breaks Into Yet Another Sector Of The Music Industry

Aside from revolutionizing transportation, ride-sharing service Uber has played an increasingly active role in music, most recently by increasing opportunities for artist development and networking.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Bernie Sanders Less Of A Socialist Than Dwight Eisenhower !

As I write this the Democratic debate is still going on, but they seem to have covered the tax part. There was not a lot there. Hillary Clinton said that the middle class needs to be paying less and that she would close loopholes and eliminate some deductions. Go to her website for details. I don't really see a lot there. Get rid of carried interest and her complicated capital gain scheme. Martin O'Malley wants to tax capital gains the same as ordinary income.

Friday, November 13, 2015

3xLOGIC Named Among Fastest Growing Companies in North America

3xLOGIC Inc. was ranked 289th in Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. 3xLOGIC achieved a 238 percent growth rate in sales during the period measured.

Apple Loop: iPhone 7 Leak Is Bad News, iPad Pro Review, Tim Cook Attacks Microsoft

This week’s Apple Loop includes the potential iPhone 7 Mini, Apple ditching AMOLED screens, the iPad Pro reviews from around the web, Tim Cook's attack on the Microsoft Surface, Apple's failure in design, Apple Pay in 10 Downing Street, backdoor request to Messages, and Apple Music arrives on Android.

Three Social Entrepreneurs Driving Growth And Change In Haiti

These three remarkable social entrepreneurs demonstrate there is hope for Haiti's future.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

HID Global to Use EPDs for Its Access Control Readers

ID Global has joined parent company ASSA ABLOY in reporting the environmental performance of its access control readers using internationally recognized environmental product declarations (EPDs).

$30,000 to $1 Million -- Breaking Tor Can Bring In The Big Bucks

Anyone who can find a zero-day vulnerability in Tor can earn at least $30,000. But is it ethical to sell and not hand over to free to the Tor Project, so its users are as safe as can be?

Ben Carson's Tax Proposal Takes On The Mortgage And Charity Sacred Cows

Scott Greenberg of the Tax Foundation has a piece entitled Carson Calls for Eliminating the Mortgage Interest and Charitable Deductions. That makes the second thing I have learned about having in common with Doctor Carson this week. I had noted a while ago that one of themes of Republican tax plans is eliminating all itemized deductions except residence interest and charitable contributions. Presumably that is based on polling. Also both of those deductions have pretty fierce constituencies. Carson is willing to take on the notion that the deductions are part of the fabric of American life.
Now I will say that, there are a lot of people who say, if you get rid of the deductions, you ruin the American dream because, you know, home mortgage deduction. But the fact of the matter is, people had homes before 1913 when we introduced the federal income tax, and later after that started deductions. And they say there will be no more charitable giving. We had churches before that and charitable organizations before that. The fact of the matter is, I believe if you put more money in people's pockets that they will actually be more generous rather than less generous.
The historical argument could use some clarification. According to the United States Census, the home ownership rate in 1900 was 45.9% and in 2000 it was 66.2%. Most of the increase occurred between 1940 and 1960. I suspect his main point is correct and that the Greatest Generation would have been out buying houses after they defeated fascism even without tax incentives.

Tor Project Claims FBI Paid $1 Million For Carnegie Mellon Researchers To Uncloak Users

The Tor Project makes a bold claim about controversial research from Carnegie Mellon that many believe was used to bring down a host of dark web sites and uncover users' real identities.

Young Social Entrepreneurs May Want To Check Here For Impact Opportunities

Young social entrepreneurs may want to learn more about RYLA, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, to build an international network that may pave the way to impact opportunities.

Was Ron Paul Hanging Out With Bitcoin Exchange Of Accused JPMorgan Hacker?

Two-time Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul was spending some time with a Bitcoin exchange, which prosecutors have declared illegal. But why?

8 Ways To Enhance Your Work Performance With Focus

Every entrepreneur and most professionals wish there were more hours in a day to get their work done. These days, with all the new technology, including smartphones and social media, many are convinced that multi-tasking is the answer. Yet there is more and more evidence that jumping tasks on every alert for a new email, text, or phone call actually decreases overall productivity.

Jumbo Joust: iPad Pro vs. Surface Pro 3 vs. Surface Pro 4

May the best oversized tablet win

Exhibition Explores History Of Comic Book Superheroes In Gotham, AKA New York City

A new exhibition at the New-York Historical Society explores the untold history of comic books, a cultural phenomenon born in 1930’s New York that later took the world by storm.

America's 20 Most Inspiring Companies

America's 20 Most Inspiring Companies

Is Inspiring Others Worth The Effort?

Imagine the frustrating process of getting kids out the door to school on time. It’s a battle when they’re moving too slow or simply not moving. What typically happens with parents is the volume goes up, there’s an escalated amount of energy, but mainly there is a lot of demanding and not a lot of inspiring to get children to move out the door quickly.

Here's How The Federal Reserve Made Itself Irrelevant

The Fed's inflation target should have been 6%, not 2%.

Meet The Australian Family Saving 60% Of Its Income Traveling The World

Caius and Mia Bender are the most well-traveled young children in the world.

IAC Offers To Buy Angie's List As Barry Diller Remodels Again

For IAC/Interactive, a deal to buy Angie's List would come as the company spins Match Group, the owner of Tinder, OkCupid and, and add to a trajectory of continuous reinvention.

Canadian Biotech Startup Uses Hydraulics To Make Bionic Knee Brace

This Canadian biotech start up has made a prototype for a bionic knee brace they say can act like a fully-functional and reliable quadricep, just by using simple hydraulics and a compact hinge.

What Happens When A Red Starbucks Cup Becomes A Seasonal Icon?

In the past few days Starbucks’ red cup has become the center of a controversial “war on Christmas” debate, with some folks saying that the company’s decision to remove Christmas iconography is due to their desire to distance themselves from the Christian faith. Say what you will about either side of the argument, but one thing remains strong—the Starbucks cup has certainly become an iconic cultural symbol of the holiday season. For most brands, this sort of brand association is ideal, but when a brand becomes a powerful cultural symbol it takes on the responsibility, whether it wants to or not, to live up to the expectations their audience has created.

Economists Should Stop Blaming Zero Rates For Lackluster U.S. Growth

A very serious economist said a very silly thing yesterday. He stated that the reason for below trend U.S. economic growth is that low interest rates and Fed policy uncertainty discourage risk taking by corporations. I think that is an opinion. It is an economic supposition, factually wrong, and loudly demonstrative of the “dismal science.”

Why The Cut In Texas F1 Funding Could Play Into Race Track Owners' Hands

The 2015 Formula One United States Grand Prix took place just over two weeks ago in Austin, Texas and was widely considered the best race of the year. It was a thriller which crowned British superstar Lewis Hamilton as this year’s F1 champion in front of 101,667 fans at Circuit of the Americas (COTA). However, in the short space of time since the race took place, its future has been placed in jeopardy.

Do You Want Coffee With That Plastic? A Visit To ProtoPlant

The small plastic pellets sound like coffee beans being poured through pipe, as they make their way into a melting machine. In fact, the micro factory I am standing in can smell just a bit like coffee. You can imagine Willy Wonka would be pleased with the sounds and smells. ProtoPlant is the maker of 3D printer filaments, with a twist.

Portuguese Paradise Found: Vila Vita Parc

With swoon-worthy beaches and dramatic red cliffs, the Algarve rightfully tops the bucket lists. On the flipside, there’s a chunk of Portugal’s southern plain that fails the fantasy with drab hotels and apartment complexes skewing coastal vistas.

This CEO Bootstrapped His Mobile Ad Company To 400 Billion Impressions A Month: Here's How

Gary Lin is redefining success in global mobile marketing. The Founder and CEO of glispa, a global performance marketing firm, promises that the company “guarantees results,” and it has more than delivered. In 2008, Lin’s first iteration of glispa was awarded Inc. 500’s #1 Advertising & Marketing company in America

Life After Active Duty For One Small Business Owner... And What You Can Learn From Him

Michael Montgomery of Portland, Oregon is a small business owner - joining millions of others across our country who dare to be their own boss. Like most small business owners, Montgomery was inspired by his own life circumstances to start his business, Guerrilla Outfitters. What inspired him, however, is unlike the experiences most small business owners have had.

What Should Digital Transformation Mean To Your Business?

If you don’t know what digital transformation is, you’re not alone. However, this key term is something that all businesses should focus on as soon as possible. The world is changing. Digital connectivity is simultaneously bringing the world closer together while highlighting what makes everyone and everything different. Companies that haven’t embraced digital transformation will be left behind.

How Stockholm Became A 'Unicorn Factory'

What do Silicon Valley and Stockholm have in common? Spawning billion-dollar tech companies.

How T-Mobile Binge On Fits The Company's Three Part Strategy

This post was co-written with my colleague David Farber.

Rag & Bone and The Basser Center For BRCA Host The Basser Jean Bash: Unzip Your Genes

If one were to judge the scene at Cipirani Wall Street solely by the guest list alone, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were hedge fund directors, corporate lawyers, media personalities, and a sprinkling of fashion folk. But instead of the sea of suits and cocktail dresses indicative of such a venue, guests took a more casual approach. “Here I am in is this elegant surrounding, among distinguished company, and my mom would be horrified to see you all in jeans,” said Amy Gutmann, the president of the University of Pennsylvania.

Facebook Instant Articles Are Here - What Does It Mean For SEO?

Now, instant articles are available for all Facebook users on iPhones, and while most of the social media population is excited or at least interested to use the feature, this could be a source of significant disruption for anyone practicing content marketing or SEO.

Ways To Jump On The SEO Reseller Bandwagon

The advertising research firm Borrell Associates recently issued a forward-thinking report entitled "2015 Outlook: Local Digital Advertising" which thoroughly examines digital advertising and marketing. This examination is broken down into four distinct areas: email, data streaming, display, and paid search, with total local advertising forecasted to expand into the $115 billion stratosphere.

What Athletes Can Learn From Tim Duncan's Alleged $20M Financial Loss

Several news outlets recently reported that San Antonio Spurs' All-Star Tim Duncan lost more than $20 million to a dishonest financial adviser.

How To Start A Company By Solving Problems

Throughout my years in the startup world, one of the things that’s surprised me the most is the number of people who tell me that they couldn’t do what I do.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Royal History of London's Top Luxury Hotel

You know very well that all that glitters is not gold. What’s more, the glittering objects fail to shine for an enduring period if they have no interesting story to tell.

The Rise Of Military Spouse Entrepreneurs: What You Need To Know

A growing number of military spouses have taken the skills they have developed managing military families and translated them into businesses that move with them when the military relocates their families.

The Top Ten Tax Cases (And Rulings) Of 2015, #8: Tax-Free Parsonage Allowance Gets A Second Life

It’s finally over. The October 15th tax deadline is behind us, which means tax practitioners have mercifully finished their filings for the year. Unless of course, you chose to make your career in the not-for-profit world, in which case you deserve the extra month of misery.

What Do Frequent Flyers Hate Most About Travel?

Many airlines have worked hard to make the passenger experience as smooth and seamless as possible with special privileges for frequent flyers. However, many improvements create an aura of convenience but fail to address the core issue. Air travel can be a huge time-waster, with many anxiety-producing uncertainties and associated hassles. Resolving those hassles is key to increasing brand loyalty and sparking word-of-mouth recommendations.

A Simple Fix For Unfunded Municipal Pensions That Wall Street Will Hate

We read weekly stories of cities, counties and states preparing bond issues to more fully fund their pension plans for municipal employees. The theory at work here is that they can borrow at low rates of interest because of their tax exempt status and invest the proceeds in the stock and income markets where they expect to get a higher rate of return. It’s the municipal equivalent of playing at the carry trade which as we know is not for the unsophisticated, i.e. government bureaucrats. This is not a Democratic or Republican thing since governments in both camps are embracing the concept.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Despite Record $250 Million Tenable Investment There Is 'No Cybersecurity Bubble'

Tenable raises an epic $250 million, but is it the harbinger of a industry in a bubble, or just another successful company in a booming market?

Social Entrepreneurs Risk Lives For Charcoal In Haiti

Carbon Roots, a social venture in Haiti, is tackling deforestation by creating charcoal that doesn't require wood. The entrepreneurs have literally risked their lives to make it work.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Homeowner Fatally Shot by Door-to-Door Home Security Salesman

A homeowner in the San Antonio neighborhood of Knights Cross was shot and killed after an apparent altercation with a door-to-door home security salesman.

Redefining Work And Launching A Millennial-Run Business

I'm a Millennial. Part of the the ubiquitous generation decried as the nail in the coffin for traditional work. And I'm starting my own business.

Twitter Senior VP: "Diversity is Important, But We Can’t Lower the Bar"

Twitter's (supposedly) last black manager unloads accusations against his former employer; numbers seem to corroborate his account

Apple Loop: New iPhone 7 Leaks, Apple Breaks iOS 9.1, Android's Lessons For iPhone

This week?s Apple Loop includes three leaks around the iPhone 7, Touch ID and alarm issues in iOS 9.1, three great new features on iOS 9.1, another successful software rollout from Apple, thoughts on Apple's profit margins, Apple Watch's lack of sales data, pitching the new iPad Pro to the enterprise marketplace, and five lessons Apple needs to learn from Android.

New Honda R&D Facility Invests In Future Tech In The Heart Of Silicon Valley

The critical role of advanced technology has forced traditional automakers to embrace it in a much more aggressive manner. For example, Honda currently operates fourteen research and development facilities in the U.S., but the company recently held a grand opening for its newly expanded research and development center in Silicon Valley. The grand opening served two purposes -- one, to launch the refreshed 2016 Accord, and two, to offer a sneak peak at the automaker’s future in-vehicle technology development happening in the heart of America’s tech community.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

15 Marketing Predictions For 2016 From The C-Suite

What are the top predictions for marketers related heading into 2016? To find out, I turned to some of the leading experts, including CEOs, Presidents/GMs, CMOs, authors and executive recruiters.

Republicans Want IRS To Target Hillary Clinton

Given the outrage that Republicans have expressed about the "targetting" of the Tea Party by the IRS, you would think that they would be slow to advocate IRS political targetting. Apparently it is more a matter of who's ox is being gored.

Who Makes More Money -- Entrepreneurs Or VCs?

Who makes more money, entrepreneurs or venture capitalists? I recently came across an interesting Quora response from a friend and one of my favorite co-investors, Jason Lemkin.

Legend Vs. Legend: Ed Viesturs Recalls Awkward Meeting With Reinhold Messner

In Part 1 of this series, American mountaineering legend Ed Viesturs discussed this year’s “Everest” and “Meru” films, his lessons in patience on K2 and life as a guide and spokesperson for Eddie Bauer. Here he focuses on how to tell clients when to turn around, why he never climbs with bottled oxygen and what he thinks of insurance coverage for sherpas. He also recounts a chance meeting with another climbing legend, Reinhold Messner.

Millennials Today: The Return Of The Work Ethic, Along With That Distinct Idealism

“For all of history, you were supposed to reach a certain age and do certain things,” T.J. Sullivan says. “You were supposed to learn a trade or get an education. Then, you were supposed to get a job, build that financial foundation, and raise a family. Every generation before has taken a bite out of that script, and perhaps this current generation of 20-somethings is the first to really have a blank page. Not only are they coloring outside the lines, they are being given the opportunity to draw the lines.”

Lufthansa Cancels 500+ Flights Affecting 60,000 Passengers On Day Two of Week-Long Strike

More than 60,000 passengers were stranded with the cancelation of more than 500 Lufthansa flights on Saturday as the cabin crew union's strike entered the second day of a weeklong walkout.

Why the 2016 Presidential Election Matters to Your Portfolio

Both political parties have a history of taking credit for good stock markets. The boom of the 1980’s in the markets is called “The Reagan Years”, just as the tech-fueled bullishness of the 1990’s is called “The Clinton Era”. Even the current President, not one to want to link himself with Wall Street and its allegedly dubious cast of financiers, has repeatedly pointed out how much the stock market has risen during his Presidency (a message that may very well conflict with his fundamental economic message, but at least a message that cannot be denied by the empirical evidence). Indeed, whether it was the advent of the 401k retirement account or the democratization of stock investing made popular by improvements in technology, voters are often investors, and even those voters who do not think of themselves as investors are certainly impacted by markets through their pension funds, the economic health capital markets often represent, and of course what it means to their own company or job prospects. At the end of the day, stock and bond markets are not just for Wall Street, and they haven’t been for many decades. Main Street, where elections are won or lost, have serious skin in the game when it comes to investment markets.

65 Simple Ways To Promote Your Mobile App

Now that you’ve built your mobile app, it’s time to start marketing it. Here are 65 ways to get started. Begin with a handful—or even just one—and test what works for you and what doesn't.

Unicorn Square's IPO Triggers Terrifying Talk of Ratchets

One of the open secrets of the arcane world of finance is that simple sounding words mask big risks and complexity. And when you hear those words, you should grip your wallet firmly in two fists.

Lying Low at Robert De Niro's Discrete Tribeca Hotel

NEW YORK CITY – Robert De Niro may be the hotelier, but there's nothing flashy about this elegant and quietly high caliber Tribeca hotel.

Steal These 3 Tricks To Convert PR Into Sales

Here are three ideas from serial entrepreneur Ken Courtright, all possible without high agency budgets (or likely possible without agency involvement at all.

The Top 10 Cities For Sales Jobs

The Top 10 Cities For Sales Jobs

Big Data, Big Deals

Lately, old tech operators like IBM, Qualcomm, HP and even Oracle have been feeling lots of pain. The fact is that new technologies are passing them by — and fast.

This CPA Not Rooting For AICPA In Its IRS Lawsuit

So this weeks aggravation is that the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) is wasting my dues money again. The DC Circuit has breathed life into a pointless lawsuit against the IRS that was dismissed last year. The case really pains me, because my natural team spirit makes me want to root for the AICPA . As Edmund Burke wrote:
To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle (the germ as it were) of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love to our country, and to mankind.
The lawsuit is about a program that the IRS started. Everybody who prepares tax returns for compensation is supposed to have a PTIN. Back in the day a PTIN was optional. The alternative was to put your social security number in the paid preparer section of the return. Being reckless, irresponsible and lazy, I took the latter course, reasoning (or rationalizing) that anybody who stumbled on a return that I had signed as preparer would be more interested in stealing my clients identity than mine. Now you need a PTIN regardless.

Americans Aren't Doing Enough to Protect Their Privacy Online

Nearly every American consumer (98%) believes they are creating safe passwords, but a recent study shows that only 6% are actually doing so.

Are American, Delta and United Killing Loyalty To Their Programs With Flyer Unfriendly Changes?

American Airlines is apparently lining up behind Delta Air Lines and United Airlines with major changes to its popular AAdvantage frequent flyer program. But will these changes make sense in the long run?

Every Business Has A 'God Particle'

n physics, there exists a mysterious and elusive particle called the Higgs Boson, commonly known as the God Particle. The God Particle is believed to be the thing that gives mass to matter, and it represents the most fundamental component of the Universe. After reading about the God Particle, I couldn’t help but think that the concept behind it applies to business as well.

Top Three Leadership Skills Often Overlooked

Great leaders are expected to demonstrate a huge range of qualities to drive business forward; ensure employee and customer loyalty; all under the scrutiny of shareholders and often the press. The stress is palpable and can be all consuming. But what if you concentrate on and develop just a few qualities at a time? What if those qualities are the foundation for all other qualities to evolve without too much angst? Can you imagine how much healthier and happier you would be if there were three core behaviors that you could work on for maximum effect?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Apple Loop: New iPhone 7 Leaks, Apple Breaks iOS 9.1, How Android Beats iPhone

This week’s Apple Loop includes three leaks around the iPhone 7, Touch ID and alarm issues in iOS 9.1, three great new features on iOS 9.1, another successful software rollout from Apple, thoughts on Apple's profit margins, Apple Watch's lack of sales data, the iPad Pro in the enterprise marketplace, and five lessons Apple needs to learn from Android.

The Expresser App Is Transforming Texting, Turning Memes Into A New Breed Of Emojis

If you’re under the age of 35, battling with an even moderate addiction to your mobile device, it’s safe to assume you’ve indulged in emoji’s. Tapping these tiny symbols empowers people to express their sincere, and sometimes layered, emotions without uttering a word or sharing any body language. Regardless of your tone, sense of humor, or typical style of texting, there’s an icon for everybody. For a text-driven generation fueled by quick and casual communication, emoji’s offer a fun alternative to small talk, or in-the-moment messages. Yet, with the rapid emergence of viral memes, as video's like Drake’s “Hotline Bling” and “Why You Always Lying” perfectly personify, there’s space for a mobile app that merges the best of both worlds. The Expresser Keyboard App has managed to do just that.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

ProtonMail Pays Crooks $6,000 In Bitcoin To Cease DDoS Bombardment

ProtonMail is shut down for more than a day by an epic DDoS said to have taken out a number of other Swiss companies. The attackers want $7,000 in Bitcoin, otherwise they'll continue blasting the firm with data.

Meet Morgan DeBaun: The Blavity Founder Bridging The Gap Between Content And Tech

In a time where the most iconic traditional platforms for black entertainment and culture face evident declines in revenue and patronage, a void has opened for a millennial-driven media outlet to emerge and represent the progressive voice of today’s generation. As Hip Hop culture continues to expand its global influence, the intersection of content and technology presents a unique opportunity to shape a new narrative around what young African Americans consider cool, cutting edge, and aligned with their diverse lifestyles.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

UK Set For Russia-Style Bulk Surveillance

Well, Google and Facebook can breathe easy: the UK government has graciously decided not to force them to introduce backdoors. Nor will Apple have to give up end-to-end encryption.

Why We Need More Diversity In Our Organizations

Today’s very special Future in Five comes to you from the Taj Mahal in India! Being in front of the Taj Mahal is inspiring, because so many different people from all over the world come together to see this amazing site. This caused me to reflect on the importance of diversity in the workplace. We need to have diversity, because we need different ideas, values, thinking, and different views of the world. Having this diversity is one of the best ways to future proof your organization. It allows your organization to get perspectives that may not be apparent to its existing employee base. It is a good opportunity to identify new opportunities and threats that might be on the horizon. Diversity is a huge part of the future of work. Different cultures, religions, backgrounds, races, all play a huge part in making our organizations more diverse and prepared for the future.

Wells Fargo Wants To Let You Make Million-Dollar Wire Transactions With Your Face And Voice

"My voice gives me access to proceed, please verify me," I announced to the phone in my hand. It scanned my face to see if my lips were moving. Next, I read aloud series of numbers. The voiceprint was a match, and the app unlocked itself - the demonstration was a success. The members of Wells Fargo's Wholesale and Payments team around me let out a sigh of relief. They then proceeded to show me how their new, experimental, biometric-based commercial banking app would make life easier for their customers. It would also now make it possible for them to "make a 10 million dollar wire transaction" on the go.

REI, Sales And Cold Turkey: How Some Brands Live The Mission, And Some Miss It

REI’s daring decision to close its doors on Black Friday represents the latest effort in the broadening movement of conscientious consumerism. The hitch for such organizations is balancing their desire to live a chosen mission while also making a living. How REI, Ten Thousand Villages and others do it, and why some fail.

Apple May Have To Stop Selling iPhone In The UK If Surveillance Law Passes

Apple will have no choice but to stop selling the iPhone in the UK if a new terror law passes

Jeff Timmons: From 98 Degrees To Second Career As A Modern Enterpreneur

As a founding member of the multi-platinum, Grammy-nominated, R&B band 98 Degrees, Jeff Timmons quickly became one of the reigning heartthrobs of the 1990’s. Now 42, Jeff enjoys success as a solo artist, music and television producer, entrepreneur, and most importantly, devoted family man. Many pop idols burn out young, but Jeff has built an entire second career in the competitive world of entertainment.

Twin Brothers Behind iboss Cybersecurity Snag $35 Million From Goldman Sachs

Cybersecurity startups that are both completely bootstrapped and profitable are quite rare: although perhaps not as rare as fraternal twins who become business partners.

10 Leadership Elements That Maximize Business Value

Valuing a business based on assets and financial performance is a well-understood process, but every investor knows the real value goes well beyond these parameters, either higher or lower.

"Prepare to be Punished": Microsoft is Killing OneDrive With Cuts, Blames Users

OneDrive went from promising to pathetic in one day flat

The World's Youngest Billionaires 2015

The World's Youngest Billionaires 2015

NHTSA Imposes Largest Civil Penalty In Its History On Takata And Accelerates Air Bag Recalls

Earlier today the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued two orders it said are “designed to protect the traveling public from defective Takata air bag inflators.” The agency said the orders impose the largest civil penalty in its history -- $200 million -- for Takata’s violations of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, and for the first time used its authority to accelerate recall repairs to millions of affected vehicles in order to get safe air bags installed. The recall involves 12 vehicle manufacturers and approximately 19 million vehicles, according to federal data.

Ashley Madison Fembot Fraud Class Action: Don't Dismiss It--Plaintiff/Counsel Team Has Won Before

New class action suit against Ashley Madison for fraudulent misrepresentation and false advertising, based on that company's alleged use of robotic members, is filed by experienced class action litigators who have repped plaintiff before, and won.

Suprising Learnings From A Panel Of Female Tech CEOs

A panel of women CEOs discussed the special challenges they face at the NAV.VC annual investor conference. In addition to familiar concerns, several surprising perspectives emerged that raise hope for the potential for the tech industry to rapidly increase diversity.

Google Hackers Battle One Another To Uncover 'Serious' Flaws In Samsung Galaxy 6S Edge

Google's Project Zero team has a competition between Americans and Europeans to find vulnerabilities in a flagship Samsung phone. The Europeans won...

The Clever Way Uber Attracts Drivers And Customers At The Same Time

How do businesses such as Uber, AirBnB and dating websites for instance get people to start using their services if players are required on both sides for it to work? This question was originally answered on Quora by Patrick Mathieson.

3 Steps To Market Anything To Anyone

Kids hate broccoli. It's a battle that has raged for ages:

Wells Fargo Wants To Let You Make Million-Dollar Wire Transactions With Your Face And Voice

"My voice gives me access to proceed, please verify me," I announced to the phone in my hand. It scanned my face to see if my lips were moving. Next, I read aloud series of numbers. The voiceprint was a match, and the app unlocked itself - the demonstration was a success. The members of Wells Fargo's Wholesale and Payments team around me let out a sigh of relief. They then proceeded to show me how their new, experimental, biometric-based commercial banking app would make life easier for their customers. It would also now make it possible for them to "make a 10 million dollar wire transaction" on the go.

Meet The Girls Solving The World's Problems In CODEGIRL

Meet the girls solving the world's problems in CODEGIRL, a documentary released this week on YouTube, and available to view for free until this Thursday. The film follows teams of high school aged girls from Moldova to Brazil developing apps to address global needs – starting in their own backyard. The winning team gets $10,000 to complete their app and launch it, but as the film unfolds we see that for many of the girls, the payoff comes well before the winners are announced. Filmmaker Lesley Chilcott, who directed “An Inconvenient Truth” and “Waiting for Superman,” shadows the girls in the run-up to the Technovation Challenge. The international competition aims to encourage girls to enter the typically male-dominant field of coding.

In Its Fight With Brussels, Google Should Consider Shutting Down Its Euro Search Engine

Brussels has been very busy in recent years going after formidable overseas competitors like Google.

How Innovation And Technology Has Lowered The Barrier To Entry Like Never Before

By Gavin Michael and Scott Armstrong

11th Annual Forbes CMO Summit To Examine Chief Marketers' Responsibility As 'Architects Of Growth'

Some of the world’s leading CMOs, including Jeff Jones, Target; Kristin Lemkau, JPMorgan Chase; Ralph Santana, Harman; Seth Farbman, Spotify; Morgan Flatley, Gatorade; John Kennedy, Xerox; Tim Mahoney, GM; and many others will gather this week at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Florida, for the 11th Annual Forbes CMO Summit.

Twin Brothers Behind iboss Cybersecurity Snag $35 Million From Goldman Sachs

Cybersecurity startups that are both completely bootstrapped and profitable are quite rare: although perhaps not as rare as fraternal twins who become business partners.

The Top 10 Reasons You Need SEO

There are many benefits of SEO aside from increased traffic. This post outlines 10 other important benefits that stem from having a properly SEO-optimized website.

3 Rules For Delegating Your CEO Responsibilities

As CEO, are you giving someone else responsibility, but then constantly trying to control how they do the job?

Don't Feel Worthy Of Your Success? You May Have Impostor Syndrome

Although impostor syndrome isn’t a diagnosable condition, it’s a real problem for many high achievers. People who don’t feel worthy of their success may never reach their greatest potential.

Withdrawal Of Seeds From Doomsday Vault Will Be Used To Research Arid Crops

Concerns over mass extinction led to a worldwide Doomsday Vault initiative to protect agricultural crops in case of calamity.

Only 1% Of The Bakken Play Breaks Even At Current Oil Prices

Only 1% of the Bakken Play area is commercial at current oil prices based on my analysis that follows.

LinkedIn Overhauled Its Strategy For Sales; Did Anyone Notice?

LinkedIn wants to make its services indispensable to sales people -- not just recruiters. A new alliance with Ernst and Young is meant to make that happen.

Gi FlyBike: A Sleek, Folding Electric Bike Designed To Improve Your City Commute

The Gi FlyBike provides a transportation alternative for city dwellers that has the potential to disrupt the global electric bike industry. Watch this Roadmap Video to learn more about the founders' visions for the future of transportation in cities and how the bicycle is being revolutionized.

Chipotle's Commitment To Food Integrity Needs To Put Safety First

image thumbnail - see full story for attributions
KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images For the third time in as many months, the fast growing and hugely popular Chipotle chain suffered yet another food safety setback, as reported by NPR and numerous other media outlets. This time there was an E. coli outbreak in Oregon and Washington state. The Oregon Health Authority announced its investigating at

Swiss Bliss: The $100 Million Debut of Lausanne's Hotel Royal Savoy

After a $100 million renovation, the grande dame Hotel Royal Savoy in Lausanne is now even grander.

Hotel Royal Savoy Lausanne

Hotel Royal Savoy Lausanne

The Secrets To Building A Strong Business Credit Profile

Most people understand the importance of building and maintaining a good personal credit score, but there are some small business owners who don’t make the same connection with their business credit profile.

The 3D Printing Startup That Is Ready To Take On Amazon

Whispering Gibbon is pioneering a new technology that enables people to turn on-screen virtual images into 3D prints

Customer Service Complaints: How To Improve Your Company's Online Reputation

Customer service has changed dramatically since the advent of social media – has your business changed to keep up with it?

Top 10 Consumer Complaints

Top 10 Consumer Complaints

The Class Slipper: Galet Loafers

Galet loafers are as playful as they are practical.

Millennial Chiara Ferragni: From Blonde Salad Blogger To Shoe Designer

Photo: Ralf Juergens/Getty Images

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dahua Technology and OzVision to bring Cloud-Based Video Recording Platform to the Market

Dahua Technology, a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of video surveillance products, has announced the wide availability of cloud-based video platform by OzVision. Dahua Technology customers can now leverage OzVision to integrate third party solutions into their branded cloud offerings for business and residential use.

STANLEY Security Launches Veteran Recruiting Program in U.S.

STANLEY Security, a global manufacturer and integrator of comprehensive security solutions for a wide range of industries, announced the launch of a nationwide veteran recruiting program by entering into partnerships with the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) Warriors to Work veteran employment program and Bradley-Morris Inc., the largest military recruiting firm in the U.S.

Securing New Ground Talks Industry Megatrends, Drivers and Disrupters

At Securing New Ground, a Security Industry Association (SIA) executive conference held October 28 and 29 in New York City, all the buzz was about what the next big trends will be for the security industry.

LHM Sports & Entertainment Introduces Vivint Smart Home Arena

Larry H. Miller Sports & Entertainment (LHMSE) has partnered with Vivint, a smart home provider. The partnership will include naming rights of the downtown Salt Lake City arena that is home of the Utah Jazz and the region’s premier concert and entertainment venue.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

"Meru" Documentary Shows Real-Deal Climbing, Not Trendy Peak-Bagging

Last week, I attended a lunch at New York’s 21 Club celebrating the hit mountaineering documentary, “Meru.” The film’s producer/director E. Chai Vasarhelyi and her husband climber/cameraman Jimmy Chin were the featured guests. During dessert, the two took center-stage to be questioned by Tom Brokaw about the subject of their movie: a precarious ascent of the 20,702-ft. Shark’s Fin on India’s Mt. Meru. Never heard of it? It’s considered one of the toughest sheer faces in all of climbing.