Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How Do You Adapt During Times of Difficulty?

I spend a lot of time talking about the future of work and the need for organizations to change and adapt. But what about when things aren't going great for your organization? How do you continue to innovate and implement forward thinking ideas then? The good news is, there are ways to adapt during times of difficulty.
I believe that there are two things that a company should do to focus on adapting and changing when things are not going well. First, don't wait for things to be going poorly before you decide to make a change. The best time to adapt is when things are beginning to go uphill, not when they are going downhill. Work on thinking of different business models and try to disrupt yourself. You shouldn't wait for trouble and problems to arise before you start thinking about doing things differently. Always disrupt yourself when things have never been better!
Second, always be as transparent as possible with your people. There are many ways to do this but a great example is Spiceworks, the world's largest IT community. When advertising started going downhill, employees at Spiceworks were really concerned about the status of their jobs. To combat this uneasiness, they started to hold a weekly or monthly meeting in a town hall area with food. During this meeting employees can ask any questions they want. This makes a lot of sense and gives your organization opportunities that you wouldn't usually have. Be sure to let employees know in advance if things aren't going well within the company or industry, don't just leave them hanging. Of course, you don't necessarily have to hold large meetings like this for results. Just remember to be transparent with your people and don't wait to make a change until things in your organization are already going downhill.
Let me know what you think, comment below to share your thoughts! You can subscribe to the YouTube channel for more videos.

New 'Transformers: The Last Knight' Teaser Bolsters the 'ROM' Crossover Theory

Paramount just dropped another clue that Transformers 5 will tie in to ROM: Spaceknight.

Playing Safe Can Actually Hurt You: 5 Ways To Take Risks That Will Pay Off

Do you feel like you're playing it safe in business and life? If so, you're keeping yourself from getting ahead. Read on to learn 5 powerful ways to start taking risks that uplevel you.

Bold Online Photo Sharing Campaign In China To Recall June 4 Bloodshed

June 4, the day China hopes the world will forget, comes this year with the usual memorials in spots sympathetic to the pro-democracy protesters who died on that date 27 years ago under gunfire from troops sent by the Beijing government. Hundreds have marched in Hong Kong and events are being scheduled this week in Taipei and Washington.

From Apple to Zuckerberg: How Leaders Really Lead

From Apple to Zuckerberg: How Leaders Really Lead

Luxury of PR Survival: Lessons from Allison Speer

How to open doors in a velvet rope industry.

US Oil Patch Distress Spikes But Private Equity Investors Not Turning Saviors Just Yet

When the oil price slipped below $30 per barrel in January, it knocked the stuffing out of US independent oil exploration and production (E&P) companies. For many fringe shale players it brought home the realization that the crude game was up.

Don't Bite! 9 Essential Steps To Prevent Cyberattacks

Hackers never sleep. They also use tech innovations better than many of us. In recent months, we've seen criminals take computer systems hostage at hospitals across the U.S., target banks around the world via the SWIFT system, and steal $12.7 million in a massive ATM heist in Japan. As mobile devices proliferate and everything from TVs to cars gets plugged into the Internet, things will only get worse.

How User Experience Is Revolutionizing Business

A great user experience can change the world. Read who's doing it well and why it's so important for all companies to adopt.

Boston Beer Company's Jim Koch On The Crucial Difference Between Dangerous And Merely Scary

Boston Beer Company Founder Jim Koch talks often about his experience with Outward Bound, an educational program that teaches life lessons through wilderness experience. When I told him about my daughter's upcoming wilderness hike, Koch talked about the important difference between things that are scary but not dangerous, and things that seem safe but aren't.

Three Ways To Use Home Equity To Pay For College

Mortgage banker Jeff Miksta explains three ways to tap your home equity to pay for college. With mortgage interest rates at near record low levels and home prices recovering, using home equity to help cover college costs is a good option for many parents. The key to tapping your equity is to understand your options ahead of time and what option will give you the best balance between low payments and paying off your loan before or while you are in retirement.

Geeky Weddings Take The Cake

Geeky Weddings Take The Cake

Vinaya's Kate Unsworth Launches Zenta: The World's First Biometric Band For Your Emotional Wellbeing

London-based technology design firm Vinaya announced their latest creation: Zenta, the world's first biometric band for emotional wellbeing. Spearheaded by Kate Unsworth, Vinaya's Millennial Founder and CEO, Zenta is the world's first designer biometric wearable that interprets your emotions, helps you understand your own behavioral patterns, and allows you to share how you feel visually, in the form of art. User data will create what Vinaya calls “Biometric-Art” and pieces made from the technology will be featured at Art Basel later this year.

When Being A 'B Corp' Is Better Than Just A Company

A company is a collection of people that share a common purpose. Most companies are geared towards maximizing profit and shareholder value. Record IPOs, surging market caps and billions of dollars in sales usually grab the headlines, at least in the more capitalistic societies.

SoftBank Plans To Sell $7.9 Billion Of Alibaba Stock In Deleveraging Push

Japanese telecom conglomerate SoftBank, controlled by billionaire Masayoshi Son, is selling a big piece of its long-held investment in Alibaba as it works to improve its financial standing after a push into the U.S. wireless market.

London Unseats New York as No. 1 in A.T. Kearney Global Cities Index

New York and London remain the world's most global cities, as they are the only cities to rank in the top 10 of both the Global Cities Index and the Global Cities Outlook according to the A.T. Kearney Global Cities 2016.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Technical Debt: The Silent Company Killer

Technical Debt: The Silent Company Killer

South China Sea Tensions: How Do We Know What's Really Happening?

Here is the problem, simply put: there are not enough analysts to make sense of every ship or activity at sea; nor enough government assets to persistently monitor them all. This reality is changing however, thanks to the rise of commercial space players who have already affected the national security landscape in significant ways.

Terrorism, Security, and Voltaire: The French Twist

: What does it take to balance security concerns with civil liberties? It's one of the biggest concerns facing political leaders today.

Sydney Aims To Be More Like Silicon Valley, Can Fintech Do The Trick?

A TechSydney initiative is aiming to jumpstart Australia's financial capital as a tech center that can boost more startups and venture capital. Can it help Sydney get that raw edge to break through?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Restaurant Customer Service And Technology: Chili's' Tableside (POS) And Mobile Approach

It's a mistake to think that a waiter's job is primarily to deliver food. One of the first lessons, in fact, in my training sessions for restaurant waitstaffs?I'm a customer service consultant and customer service trainer?is that waiting tables involves a whole lot more than that: It involves giving guests a feeling of recognition, offering entertainment, providing couples counseling, and mediating family relations. Getting food to the table is really the least of what?s involved.

4 Wearable Products That I Can't Wait To Wear This Year

With the release of Oculus Rift came a whole new genre of gaming. Joining in the ranks of gaming technology that preceded Virtual and Augmented Reality, the technology powering VR and AR is truly helping define the future of gaming itself. But the truth is that VR and AR are influencing much more than gaming alone.

'What I Learned From My Appearances On Regis And Oprah'

Nancy Friedman achieved what few entrepreneurs have attained in getting herself booked on the nation's top broadcast shows. Business traction varied widely, however, for the results she received.

Saudi Arabia's Second Big Gamble Will Take The Oil Market For A Rough Ride

After causing a collapse of the oil market, Saudi Arabia will soon have no choice but to push oil prices higher-to give a boost to Aramco IPO.

Eva Longoria Will Help Divvy Up $1M In A Global Social Enterprise Competition

The actress Eva Longoria will be a judge in a global startup pitch competition.

GAO: Treasury Still Using 56-Year-Old IT Systems

In a report issued last week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) discussed the aging legacy IT systems used by many governmental agencies.

For Women In Business, It's Always Personal: A Top 10 List

For Women In Business, It's Always Personal: A Top 10 List

5 Best Graduation Gift Ideas From Shark Tank

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Graduating from high school, college or professional school dwarfs nearly all other life events for the majority of young people. Grads deserve the most awesome gift you can find because the next chapter of their lives -- whether it be college, grad school or first jobs -- will likely be

Google's Project Ara Isn't The Revolutionary Smartphone We're Expecting

Project Ara won't quite hit the modular mark.

Artificial-Leaf Inventor Slams New Energy Finance, Blames Universities

Daniel Nocera has given up on the American system for financing energy startups. It brings innovations to market too slowly, he said in Chicago this month, in part because the system is rigged to make professors wealthy.

What Our Kids Learned Growing Up On Our Farm-Based Startup

Growing up in the middle of a family farm-based business venture: 5 benefits from my perspective and 5 from my 20-yr-old daughter.

Aziz Memon: Pakistan's Social Entrepreneurship King

Aziz Memon, founder of the Kings Group of Companies in Pakistan is a social entrepreneur who, with a $100 million empire, may well deserve the title of "King" of Pakistan's Social Entrepreneurs.

The Three Big Challenges Facing Puerto Rico (Part II Of 'Lost And Found In Old San Juan')

It's close to midnight on a Thursday in San Juan Puerto Rico, and my friend and I (let's call him Virgil) have finally found a restaurant that will serve us at this hour.  I am happy we are here, but confused by the menu.

World's 20 Biggest Transportation Companies In 2016

World's 20 Biggest Transportation Companies In 2016

Small Business Tech This Week: Twitter Abandons The "Buy" Button and Now You Can Eat Your Six-Pack

Here are five things in technology that happened this past week and how they affect your business. Did you miss them?

Why Marketing Leaders Should Personally Engage More In Social Media

Antonio Lucio, the CMO for HP, provides insight on why he believes it's critical, as the head of marketing, to demonstrate expertise in social media.

Women In Leadership: Amsterdam Deputy Mayor Kajsa Ollongren

Where many political leaders in Europe see the refugee crisis as a liability, Kajsa Ollongren saw it as an opportunity to boost diversity, innovation and business. Meet Amsterdam's Deputy Mayor.

Do We Need The Fed? Maybe Not, But We Need Free Markets

What we actually need is free markets, a strong dollar and less regulation, according to a new book by Reason Foundation scholar John Tamny.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Breitling Watches Demonstrates Trump-like View Of Women

First a response to Kirsty Russell, of Fawkham in the United Kingdom. I'm not surprised you've heard nothing from officials with Breitling, after you complained about the inappropriate sex-toy-like display at a Breitling shop in your neighborhood.

A Little Secret Labor Advocates Won't Tell About "Living Minimum Wage"

Labor advocates will tell you many things about the merits of a living minimum wage. But they won't tell you a little kept secret: how Big Labor and Big government inflate the cost of living.  In pressing their case for a $15 minimum hourly wage, labor advocates begin with calculation of

Security News You Might Have Missed: Criminal Risk Assessment Software Is Racially Biased

Security researcher raided by FBI after pointing out a vulnerability in a dental database, anti-choice groups use smartphone surveillance to target ?abortion-minded women,? criminal prediction software is racist, Israeli startup claims its tech can determine whether a person is a terrorist based on facial analysis, Chicago police use secret information to determine shooting perpetators, Canary Watch sunsets, it?s time to change your Reddit and MySpace passwords, and more.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Apple Loop: New Glass iPhone Leaks, iPhone Prototype On Sale, Apple Faces A.I. Death Spiral

This week's Apple Loop includes more details on the glass-covered iPhone 8, the latest iPhone 7 leaks, iOS 10's new features, Tim Cook taking about high iPhone prices, an iPhone 6 prototype appearing on Ebay, the AI strategy that could weaken Apple, an OLED keyboard for the MacBook Pro, and Eric Schmidt using an iPhone.

A 'Silicon Valley' Reference Guide For Non Techies

Decoding Silicon Valley speak for the non-techies. This guide teaches you how to fake your ways through talk of skunkworks and the Haversack Ruse.

Security 101 Hosts Drone Summit in Charlotte

An expert on drones and law enforcement recently spoke at the first drone Summit hosted by Security 101 – Charlotte, which drew 100 people representing a variety of industries.

How To Uncover Strategic Leadership In Your Company

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by Jessica Leitch, David Lancefield, and Mark Dawson   Most companies lack people in positions of power with the experience and confidence required to challenge the status quo. Here's how companies can build the capacity for strategic leaders. For further insights, read “10 Principles of Strategic Leadership.”  

This Week In Credit Card News: Thieves Steal $12 Million With Fake Cards; Free Credit Scores For All

Ocean's 100: Thieves Steal $12.7 Million from ATMs in Just Three Hours

Kastle Systems Appoints Glenn Felson President of Northeast Region

Kastle Systems, a provider of advanced managed security systems and services and SDM's 2015 Systems Integrator of the Year, appointed Glenn Felson as president of the Northeast region of Kastle. 

Wells Fargo to Launch Mobile Wallet

Wells Fargo announced that its Wells Fargo Wallet will be available this summer.

From The Ground Up: A Startup's View On Gaining Traction In A Crowded Market

Life can be tough for technology companies working in mature markets. That's probably especially true in the security arena, where the differences between one product and that of a rival are not always apparent to those not steeped in the associated technologies.

When Your Schedule Is Sick: Three Busyness Disorders That Make Us Anxious And Unsatisfied

We want to lead each day purposefully and productively-even at great effort. But we're constantly sidetracked by sudden time suckers that seem important but later leave us empty-handed.

New Note 6 Trademark Reveals Samsung's Futuristic Vision

Samsung has registered a new trademark that suggests a new user-friendly security measure is arriving on its mobile hardware. Marks for both 'Samsung Iris' and 'Samsung Eyeprint' were requested last week, indicating the South Korean manufacturer is ready to publicly reveal new technology for its mobile devices.

Find Your Sweet Spot To Excel As An Entrepreneur

Finding your sweet spot as an entrepreneur needs to start with a meaningful personal purpose that is also a business opportunity. Some people are so passionate about a cause that they forget to consider the lack of business potential, while others are so enamored with profit that they jeopardize their ethics. Both ends of this spectrum fail to bring long-term satisfaction or success.

Supreme Security Systems Acquires CWR Security Systems

Supreme Security Systems Inc. of New Jersey has acquired CWR Security Systems Inc., a residential, commercial and industrial security company with more than 30 years of experience serving Monmouth and Ocean counties.

Flash Crashes, Algo Manipulation & Demystifying Market Abuse Regulation

It's conjecture as to when the next flash crash might occur. But with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) coming into force on 3 July 2016, investment firms and operators of trading venues are heading for yet another regulatory change. As if there were not enough regulations and red tape confronting firms from a slew of edicts from Brussels and elsewhere in other jurisdictions.

ICSA Labs Rolls out IoT Security Testing and Certification Program

ICSA Labs, an independent division of Verizon, is rolling out a new security testing program to provide assurance testing for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors.

Revulsion To Used Goods Tests Asia's Uber-style Sharing Economy

When Kanika Tekriwal started her private jet sharing service two years ago in India, aircraft owners weren't going for it. They didn't like the idea of letting other people use a prized possession even when it was idle and could make money if flown by strangers. They were billionaires and didn't need extra money anyway, recalls Tekriwal, now CEO. Then four adventurous airplane owners finally tried it and a lot more quickly followed. Tekriwal's JetSetGo service now has access to 90 planes and one is always in the air somewhere.

Monday, May 23, 2016

When Penalties Are Punitve They Are Not Tax Deductible

The pain of penalties from improper activities can be significantly reduced when the penalties are tax deductible.  Code Section 162(f) provides that deduction will not be allowed "for any fine or similar penalty paid to a government for the violation of any law". An anonymous corporation, let's call it Briber Inc (BI), was looking for slack on that rule, but they were turned down by the Chief Counsel in CCA 201619008.

How To Make A Great Marketing Video For Your Company In Minutes

According to a recent survey from Flimp Media and ReelSEO, the two biggest challenges that keep businesses from using video are time and money.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Founders of Sakara Life Talk 'Making Your Mess Your Mission'

At first glance, it's hard to believe Danielle DuBoise and Whitney Tingle ever 'bootstrapped it.' The airy Sakara Life HQ is monochromatic glossy-white, accented by colorful Sakara products--watermelon jerky, 'beauty water,' a stack of lunchtime salads not yet claimed.

LLC Distributions Arising From The Debtor's Labors Subject To 25% Earnings Exemption In Alexander

Robert F. Alexander was sentenced by the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona in 2006 to a 96-month sentence for running what is known as a high-yield interest program, a form of Ponzi scheme whereby Alexander promised his suckers a rate of return as high as 37%.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

10 reasons to never be too cool for Old School

You may think you're too cool for “Old School,” but there's one thing it produced that you can't be successful without: the fundamentals. Here are ten essential operating fundamentals that are timelessly, beautifully, definitively, non-negotiably, Old School  .

Hail Mary Pitch On Shark Tank Season Finale Saves Tech Startup

E-cards, Evites, and emails bombard us every day in a digital world making handwritten messages all the rarer and all the more special. If Tomer Alpert has his way, handwritten cards will be the wave of the future. The CEO and co-founder of tech startup Felt spent the past three years working without pay and invested $90,000 of his money in addition to others' to kickstart a trend toward handwritten notes with his iOS app.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Philippine Girls' Dating Service Wins Half Million In Capital Despite Near Collapse

Valenice Balace of Manila calls herself an introvert but has an uncanny way of getting venture capital by just being around. The 27-year-old business degree holder started an online dating service with a women's rights theme with 30,000 pesos (US$640) of her own money. She gives date seekers in the Philippines an online platform to get to know people through game and choose the best candidates via a list of questions. The service called Peekawoo has 200,000 clients, 40% active, but has never made money. Balace doesn't sell ads. She has no monetization scheme, the type of secret you should never tell a venture capitalist.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Golfer Phil Mickelson To Repay $1 Million In Gains From Insider Trading- Is It Tax Deductible?

Golfer Phil Mickelson -- who once landed in this space by famously threatening to retire rather than subject his $55 million in annual earnings to rising federal and state tax rates -- found himself in the news today, and not in the sports section. Mickelson was named in a federal insider trading lawsuit by the Securities and Exchange Commission, in which it is alleged that the five-time major winner made nearly $1 million from stock trades in 2012 by using information that was not publicly available.

The Meaning of Geography Is Changing, Not Disappearing

This article was originally published at Stratfor.com.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

LinkedIn Warns Users To Reset Passwords As 117M Logins For Sale On Dark Web

LinkedIn asks customers to reset passwords after a hacker claims to have 117 million logins for sale on the dark web.

Millennials, This Is Why You Haven't Been Promoted

If you're ambitious but stuck on Level 1, below are six possible reasons. (Warning, tough love ahead.)

If Your Customer Service Experience Is A Bust, Try Consulting This Checklist For The Reason

Almost every company in the known universe wants to improve its customer experience and its customer service delivery. Yet here are 15 things that can go wrong along the way.

NXT-ID to Acquire LogicMark

NXT-ID Inc., a company focused on the growing mobile commerce market, has entered into an interest purchase agreement to acquire 100 percent of the membership interests of LogicMark LLC, a provider of unmonitored personal emergency response devices.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tax Pros: Feel Free To Get A Law Degree, But Don't Plan On Deducting The Tuition

When you make your hay in a career as mundane as tax preparation, it's common to spend your darker days hanging on to the hope that with one small change, you'll be able to move on to something more exhilarating. Lose ten pounds and you'll be an underwear model. Get that scuba certification and you'll unearth sunken treasure on your next vacation  Go back to law school and you'll soon deliver impassioned closing arguments that will leave witnesses confessing their guilt to an astonished jury. It all beats cranking out another Form 1065.

Intel Security Cautions Against Clicking On Fad Diet Links

Don't let the fact that it snowed in Michigan this week fool you-summer is right around the corner. With summer comes more time outdoors-swimming in pools, lakes, and oceans-and that means people are anxious to shed a few pounds and get into prime bathing suit shape. According to a new study from McAfee, attackers know this and are leveraging the urgency and desperation to lose weight in attacks.

I Just Spoke With Pilot And I Don't Know If It Is Real...

Waverly Labs claim to have a product that translates one language into another ala the Babel Fish from sci-fi films. The only problem? I can't tell if it's real, a marketing scam or just a product launch that went viral.

Tri-Ed Announces Its 2016 U.S. Stadium Tour Schedule

Baseball season here, and with it comes the announcement of TRI-ED's 2016 Stadium Tour training program and schedule. TRI-ED and its supplier partners welcome customers to take part in a free day of training and product demos, an expo and a night of networking at the ballgame. 

In Move To MullenLowe, Geoff Cottrill Demonstrates The Value An Ex-CMO Can Bring To An Agency

Few CMOs are known for being as bold, imaginative, effective and personally invested in the brand they represent as Geoff Cottrill. During his eight-year tenure, the former chief marketer of Converse had made a name for himself in overseeing the development of Rubber Tracks, a studio where unsigned artists could use recording equipment and practice their craft. It was hailed as a unique manifestation of brand engagement, one more innovative method by which the company had put itself at the center of music in an effort to strengthen a relationship with those who had adopted it.

2016 PSA Security Network Vendor Award Winners

PSA Security Network announced the 2016 PSA Security Network Vendor Award and Customer Service Award Winners at the recent TEC 2016 conference, held in Westminster, Colo. May 9-12. The Vendor Award winners were selected by PSA owner companies based on rankings for pricing, shipping, support, lead generation, returns and product performance. PSA's customer service team voted on the Customer Service Award winners based on professionalism, support and performance. The 2016 awards were issued during the Vendor Awards Luncheon at the TEC conference on May 10, 2016.

Monday, May 16, 2016

How To Write Unbreakable Secret Messages With Common Household Chemicals

You could write unbreakable secret messages using chemicals in your fridge or medicine cabinet.

Aiphone Opens East Coast Office

Aiphone Corp., an international manufacturer of intercom and entry security products, opened an East Coast office in Cherry Hill, N.J.

China-Taiwan Relations To Take A Holiday Under New President

If you're expecting war with China after Taiwan's new kind-of, sort-of anti-Beijing president takes office May 20, step out of your closet and put the spare flashlight batteries away. If you're expecting president-elect Tsai Ing-wen to propose dialogue with China on conditions cheered by Taiwan's tough and once belligerent political rival of 70 years, put something more ordinary in your pipe.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Aspirational Watch Market For Indian Women Is Hot On Asia's Heels

The market for watches in India is a relatively new niche for women buyers – those who have always loved their jewelry are now looking to talk about their watches in social circles – it's a mark of a new kind of aspiration, and part of a sector that is hot on Asia's heels.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Multiple (And Unexpected) Benefits We Achieved Through Product Innovation

The thought of launching a second product after just having spent three years getting on solid ground with our first product was uncomfortable. That said, the upside of this innovation was big and many of the benefits were unanticipated.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Rubber Tracks: Original Content, Emerging Acts And The Race To Disrupt Music Marketing

The convergence of music, media and marketing has become more seamless than ever.

Security News You Might Have Missed: If Math Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Do Math

Alleged British hacker wins court battle over encryption keys, Twitter bars Dataminr from sending alerts to intelligence agencies, federal agents planted hidden mics and videos at a courthouse, Senate contemplates reauthorizing the NSA?s controversial 702 surveillance, a government spy truck poses as a Google Street View car, and more.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Merkel vs. Erdogan: A Clinic in Modern Clan Conflict

This article was originally published at Stratfor.com. 

Jifiti Founders: 'We Mentioned A Partnership Not Yet Finalized In Front Of The Press'

The founders of Jifiti learned the hard way that you are always on the record in the eyes of the press.

Size Matters: Taiwan's Unwritten Rules Of Public Conduct

Once upon a time in Taiwan you could simply pick a plot of empty land to build your family tomb, a reason that graves now speckle otherwise green hills above downtown Taipei. You could even build a house on some tracts. All without permits. The early Taiwanese (like a lot of early peoples) settled things with mere understandings, not a system of written codes. The basic understanding was that size matters – size, speed, money, wit and clout. This land was made for you and me but if I'm bigger, faster and all that, more emphasis goes to me than you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Malaysia's Hobbled PM Taps Local Election Win For Support: Why It's Not Enough

Malaysia's ruling coalition and embattled Prime Minister Najib Razak got some breathing room this month but aren't out of the ICU.

Cyber Risk: People Are Often The Weakest Link In The Security Chain

The threat of cyber-crime has created a significant increase in interest on the topic of cyber security, with organizations spending billions of dollars to protect themselves against a fast evolving array of current and potential future threats.

Two Great Apps Arrive To Stop Hackers Spying On Your iPhone

A cheap anti-jailbreak, anti-malware app lands on iOS, the same day as Opera releases a free VPN.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Why the Banking Industry Needs $600 Billion Worth of M&A

by Doug Stotz, Arjun Saxena, and Sanchit Tiwari

Bold Technologies Receives UL Certification for Manitou Cloud Services

Bold Technologies, a provider of alarm monitoring and PSIM software, has received the UL 827 listing for their Manitou Cloud Services Data Center. This certification was granted after the final UL inspection of the facilities in late April 2016.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Saudi Arabia Is Getting Ready For "Peace" In The Oil Market, For Now

A shake-up in the Saudi government over the weekend, which included the replacement of oil minister Ali al-Naimi by Khaled al-Faleh, signals that the Kingdom is ready for peace in the oil market. Long serving oil minister Ali al-Naimi was the architect of Saudi Arabia's policy to flood world markets with

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Investor search mistakes to avoid, part 2

In the previous article I introduced you to a list of mistakes businesses make when searching for investment capital. The list came from a book by my friend, Andrew Sherman, titled, Raising Capital. As we learned, there's more to acquiring capital than a business plan.

FireEye Announces New CEO, Stock Plummets, Reasons For Optimism

Dave DeWalt becomes Executive Chairman at FireEye, and Kevin Mandia is promoted to CEO.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A LinkedIn Just For Women

The startup Landit, cofounded by venture capitalist Lisa SKeete Tatum, aims to be a LinkedIn for women.

Craig Wright Says Sorry, He Can't Offer Proof He's Bitcoin Creator Satoshi

Craig Wright said he would provide proof he was Satoshi Nakamoto. He has backed down from that promise, leaving many wondering whether it really was a huge scam.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Report Details Crime on University and K12 Campuses

Crime in the nation's schools and college campuses has declined over the past two decades, according to a new report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).


10 Ways IoT Companies Can Improve Their Security Practices

The Internet of Things is growing, and its' security practices need to keep up.

Will Google Address Android's Fundament Problem?

Once more the start of the month comes round, and Google updates the Android Developer dashboard with the latest percentage shares of each major version of Android on active devices. May's numbers show Android Marshmallow (the sixth major version of Android) has seen a rise of 2.9 percent from last month to reach 7.5 percent of devices that have accessed the Google Play store over a seven-day period.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Freelance Giant Upwork Shakes Up Its Business Model

In move that will affect millions of freelancers, the giant online marketplace Upwork announced today that it is changing the fees it charges workers to find projects on the platform, to prioritize high-value, ongoing work.

Pinterest's Head of Engineering Michael Lopp Departs

After two years of leading Pinterest's engineering team, Michael Lopp has left Pinterest.

7 Tech & Science Cartoons

7 Tech & Science Cartoons

Monday, May 2, 2016

30 Under 30 Nominations Now Open For The Global Class Of 2017

Think you're ready to join our 2017 30 Under 30? You tell us.

How Will The Harriet Tubman $20 Bill Fare In The Era of Apple Pay?

Just in time for paper currency to be rendered obsolete, the U.S. Treasury announces they're finally putting a woman of color, Harriet Tubman, on the $20 bill. Cartoon by Stephanie McMillan.

JPMorgan Chase CIO Turned First Data President Guy Chiarello Reflects On His Rise

Guy Chiarello has been a towering figure at the intersection between financial services and technology for multiple decades. He foresaw the power of digital business as Chief Information Officer of JPMorgan Chase before digital was the term of art or a department within corporations. He and his team there were responsible for the award-winning Chase Mobile App Suite, which grew its customer base to more than 10 million users in its first two years. He was also among the first to usher in peer-to-peer payments at scale. Perhaps most critical to his success, at a remarkably early period, he understood the power of pushing his businesses to think of IT as a source of innovation, and he ensured that he recruited the kinds of people who could deliver on that promise. 

Mastering Difficult Situations Through Negotiation -- In Life And At Work

Negotiation is a core leadership – and life – skill. And while no one person negotiates (or leads for that matter) in precisely the same way, successful negotiators and leaders count on at least three key behaviors to make a difference.

Changing Consumers Drive Increase In Amazon Shopper Preference And Soft Auto Outook

Today's consumers continue to evolve, which is evident in their shopping behaviors and purchase intentions. Deborah Weinswig, Managing Director of Fung Global Retail & Technology, has weighed in again this month on some of Prosper's leading indicator analytics including Prosper Consumer Confidence, the Prosper Spending Forecast, the Prosper Impulsivity Score, and the Consumer Mood Index. She also took a special look at Prosper's recently released Amazon Shopper Preference Index.

Website Redesign: Improving User-Experience On The Citibank Website

A lot of companies don't understand the importance of focusing on user-experience during the website design process and are missing out on valuable opportunities at winning new business online. Learn more about how UX design can help your brand generate more leads.

The 7 Worst (And Most Amusing) Mistakes Brands Have Ever Made On Social Media

Here are 7 of the worst (and most amusing) mistakes brands have ever made on social media.

Wikileaf Is Acquired By Nesta Holdings Company

EXCLUSIVE: Cannabis price shopping website Wikileaf is acquired by Canada's Nesta Holding Company.

How to Start a Hedge Fund: Interview with Ted Seides

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run a hedge fund?  Hedge funds are both glamorized and villainized by both popular culture in TV series like “Billions” and on the political and legal arena by recent high profile lawsuits by activist investors like Bill Ackman and Carl Icahn.  However, for most hedge fund start-ups, the reality is far from glamorous and requires a huge amount of work and unwavering commitment.  Nancy Davis, the CIO and founder of Quadrant compared starting a hedge fund to “a very expensive hobby.”  Hedge fund start-up founders should expect to put a significant amount of personal financial capital as well as sweat equity into the business for at least a year before seeing any return on their investment. Most hedge funds are small and have a hard time scaling: according to Hedge Fund Intelligence, only 305 hedge funds out of the 7,500 comprising the universe manage more than $1 billion.  In other words, it no longer takes two guys and a shingle open shop. The high-level of competition, regulatory scrutiny and investor due diligence is actually good for investors and for the few committed hedge fund entrepreneurs who are passionate about markets and building a business.

The Only Thing Certain In Life Is Death. Taxes? Not So Much

Since 1960, Congress has enacted 66 major tax laws. At more than one major law per year, that makes for a pretty good clip – and a lot of uncertainty.

The 9 Most Common Tax Filing Mistakes

The 9 Most Common Tax Filing Mistakes

Is Your Acquisition Offer A Fishing Trip In Disguise?

Bowen had received a non-binding letter of intent from a global bank, who made their $37 million bid with no actual intent to buy his business. Bowen came to believe their offer was a decoy designed to disguise their real objective: to understand Bowen's strategy so they could compete better with him.

The 10 Hardest Jobs To Fill In 2015

The 10 Hardest Jobs To Fill In 2015

JPMorgan Chase CIO Turned First Data President Guy Chiarello Reflects On His Rise

Guy Chiarello has been a towering figure at the intersection between financial services and technology for multiple decades. He foresaw the power of digital business as Chief Information Officer of JPMorgan Chase before digital was the term of art or a department within corporations. He and his team there were responsible for the award-winning Chase Mobile App Suite, which grew its customer base to more than 10 million users in its first two years. He was also among the first to usher in peer-to-peer payments at scale. Perhaps most critical to his success, at a remarkably early period, he understood the power of pushing his businesses to think of IT as a source of innovation, and he ensured that he recruited the kinds of people who could deliver on that promise. 

LVC to Receive Meritorious Achievement Award for Safety

Low Voltage Contractors (LVC) will be recognized for excellence in workplace safety and health at the Governor's Safety Awards luncheon on May 5 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Finding the Right Prescription for Secure Healthcare Access Control

Healthcare and hospital security and safety professionals have numerous safety and security challenges.

$16 Million Golf Course Conservation Deduction Disallowed On Fine Points

Whenever there is a case about taxpayers taking a huge charitable contribution for promising to leave their golf course a golf course, the first thing that always pops into my head is Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn's poem: "The golf links lie so near the mill/That almost every day/The laboring children can look out/And see the men at play." I usually root for the taxpayers, but not in golf course conservation easement cases. The latest is RP Golf, LLC.  They ended up losing because of "i" dotting/ "t" crossing sorts or issues.  If it was almost anything besides a golf course conservation easement, I might feel a little sorry for them.