Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Personal Data Revolution: Why It's Time For Marketers To Care

Data privacy has turned into one of the most important, hotly debated topics globally. And while lawyers, governmental officials and technology experts weigh in, the people who should be most concerned, involved, and engaged are marketers. According to a Deloitte report, 73% of consumers would reconsider using a company if it failed to keep their data safe (this compares to only 51% who would switch companies if they were charged a higher price than competitors for a similar product).

This is a consumer problem, meaning that it is a marketing problem. How data is collected, how it is used, what companies do with the data, and with whom they share it all impacts the consumer?s experience. And while marketing should arguably lead enterprise-wide thinking on the topic, few do.

To better understand the nature, importance, and ramifications of the personal data revolution, I turned to Addison Deitz, EVP/Director of Global Operations and Client Support, and Jessie Kernan, Global Head of Data and Strategy, both from Rapp.

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