Monday, February 22, 2016

How to Outsource Digital Responsibility Succesfully

According to Gartner, up to 50 percent of digital marketing activities are now being outsourced, as both large and small companies seek support for their marketing functions. However, there are still marketing leaders who believe nothing should be outsourced to an agency. This likely occurs because of a lack of experience in knowing when and how to outsource. To shed more light on this decision, I sought insight from David Rodnitzky, CEO of digital marketing agency 3Q Digital. What follows are Rodnitzkys insights.

Apple Is Losing To The Government In The Court Of Public Opinion, New Poll Says

A new poll from the Pew Research Center showed that a bit more than half the American public sides with government on this issue.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Debate At The Heart Of The Digital Age

More security, not less, is the key to maintaining the trust that sits at the center of our digital age. Without it, there's simply no way to ensure that the internet and technology -- and their growing economic impact -- will continue to flourish.

Some Key Issues In The Apple iPhone Decryption Matter

As many people are well aware, on February 16 a U.S. magistrate issued an order compelling Apple to assist the government in bypassing the security features of an iPhone 5C used by one of the perpetrators of the December 2015 San Bernardino attack. Apple responded with a strongly worded statement from CEO Tim Cook calling the order a "dangerous precedent," and is expected to file its formal opposition with the court by February 26.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Virgin Galactic Resumes Its Launch Trajectory With The Unveiling Of VSS Unity Spaceship

After four years of quiet construction, Virgin Galactic stormed back into the space tourism industry yesterday with the unveiling of VSS Unity, their second vehicle for commercial flights.

Top Cyber News: iPhone 7 Decrypt App?, McAfee's FBI Offer, Malware Trends

A weekly roundup of the top 10 cybersecurity news stories.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hundreds Of Spotify Premium Accounts Exposed Online (Again)

The black hat hacker world is at it again--this time, publishing the data of hundreds of Spotify users online.

We Need To Talk About Security On The Internet Of Things

Too few IoT device manufacturers are doing a great job protecting data. That can change.

With Apple, The Government Is Overstepping Its Boundaries

Tim Cook is right to fight back against pressure to rewrite Apple's operating system to include a back door.

7 Tools To Personalize Sales And Marketing Communications At Scale

At the start of a new venture, most entrepreneurs want to do it all to keep costs low. Early stage employees will be wearing many hats for quite some time while doing a lot of the work in-house.

The Best Growth Strategy You're Probably Overlooking

We've hit the halfway point of Q1 2016. By now, quarterly or yearly outlines have been assembled and budgets proposed. Many have shifted gears from "planning" to "executing." But it's important to take a step back and consider what, if anything, you could be doing differently this year to increase your company's success.

Word Doc Can Shutdown U.S. Hospital Computers And Cancer Treatment Equipment

Locky virus can wreak havoc on U.S. hospitals, and shutdown cancer treatment equipment. Hospital administrators need to notify and train all employees on cyber threats.

Transfer Pricing Is All The Rage -- In The States

I must confess, I am surprised at the sudden interest in transfer pricing in the state tax world.

How To Achieve Great PR When Your Product Is A Service

Spencer Smith's PR secret: "After playing drums (and booking the shows) in a rock band for many years, I developed a mantra: 'Don't try to create your own scene. Go to where one already exists and make yourself valuable.'"

New Breed Of Startups Aims To Transform Security

The security industry has started to go through a transformation. The transformation is part evolution and part maturity. Exploits and attack techniques advance rapidly and a quick look at the headlines on any given week demonstrates that traditional network and endpoint security solutions are proving inadequate. The companies that form the new breed of security are bringing unique and innovative approaches to the problem rather than just tweaking the same old broken security model.

Walmart Needs To Reconnect With Customers And Employees

Walmart (NYSE:WMT) has tried many things to fix its sluggish sales problem: closed stores, laid off employees, raised pay for those remaining, and expanded its on-line presence. Apparently, these initiatives haven't been working, as evidenced by another weak sales report released by the company today. What else does Walmart need to do?

Big Companies Must Embrace Intrapreneurship To Survive

It has been well-documented that big companies typically struggle with innovation. Once companies get to a certain size, their investors become more conservative, their leaders less entrepreneurial, decisions are managed by consensus and their employees become less willing to stick their neck out with "out-of-the-box" ideas, that may not work out and result in losing their jobs. And, without innovation, companies get too "comfortable" with their past success, just before going out of business (e.g., Woolworth, Montgomery Ward, Borders, Blockbuster, American Motors, Pan Am).

Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates Was Caught Hacking 45 Years Ago

World's most famous hackers: Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.

No, Google Didn't Back Apple In Its FBI Battle. But Maybe You Should.

In Apple's war with the FBI over encryption, the company finds itself with few allies. Yes, it received mild support from Google's Sundar Pichai. No, the two aren't on the same side. What's at stake is nothing less than the future of privacy.

8 Habits That Make Millennials Stressed, Anxious And Unproductive

Millennials experience more stress and are less able to manage it than ever. Eight day-to-day behaviors that incite anxiety:

World's 10 Biggest Private Equity Funds

World's 10 Biggest Private Equity Funds

PetSmart's $8.7 Billion LBO Is Already Paying Off For Consortium Led By BC Partners

The $8.7 billion of takeover of PetSmart is already looking like a winning deal for private equity.

As Ransomware Crisis Explodes, Hollywood Hospital Coughs Up $17,000 In Bitcoin

Russia's biggest cybercriminal gang said to be spreading Locky ransomware at an astonishing rate of 90,000 infections a day, as a Hollywood hospital pays out to unknown hackers using the same techniques.

Dear Mrs. Obama, Why I Gave Up My U.S. Citizenship

Americans are renouncing U.S. citizenship like never before. One Canadian American writes Mrs. Obama why she is now just Canadian and won't look back.

A Guide To Incorporating A Business

Many businesses today are established as corporations. Read an overview of the important steps and key documents required when setting up a corporation.

Everything You Need to Know About How Content Marketing Is Changing

Since 2010, content marketing has been one of the fastest-evolving aspects of marketing. From what's being written, to where and how it's published, businesses are constantly reformulating how they engage potential customers using content.

How The Best Entrepreneurs Stay Organized

How often does life seem chaotic to you?

5 Psychological Biases That Doom Online Marketing Campaigns To Failure

Here are five psychological biases that commonly derail online marketing strategies. Avoid these!

DoD Bets Big On Windows 10

Windows 10 is about to get a boost in market share thanks to the United States Department of Defense. Windows 10 is already active on more than 200 million devices, and that number is about to increase substantially thanks to the DoD--one of the largest enterprise customers in the world--announcing an initiative to update all systems and devices to Windows 10.

UPDATE: Google, Apple Strike Different Tone On Security Fight With Government

Privacy and security advocates, including Edward Snowden, have called for Google to take a public stance over protecting its users' data after Apple vowed to fight a government request to more easily attempt to hack into the iPhone of one the dead suspects in last year's mass shooting in San Bernardino.

What Was It Like To Start FiscalNote As A College Student?

What challenges did you face in starting FiscalNote as a college student? This question was originally answered on Quora by Tim Hwang.

Princeton University

Princeton University

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

If Apple Can Create A Backdoor To The iPhone, Could Someone Else?

On February 16, U.S. Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym issued an order compelling Apple to assist the government in bypassing the security features of an iPhone 5C that belonged to one of the perpetrators of the December 2015 San Bernardino attack. Apple quickly responded with a lengthy statement from CEO Tim Cook calling the order a "dangerous precedent." It "would be wrong," asserted Cook, "for the government to force us to build a backdoor into our products. And ultimately, we fear that this demand would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect."

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ruthless and Sober in Syria

This article was originally published at

How Small Businesses Can Survive The Rising Tide Of Healthcare Costs

The rising cost of healthcare is a tide that many smaller businesses cannot stop. In the short term they need to manage costs and use ACA subsidies. In the long term the U.S. needs to understand that the cost of healthcare is a burden many small businesses cannot bear.

Upping the Ante on 'Unification'

There is something special about Canada in the winter. It's cold, yes. But on a recent press tour of Genetec's world headquarters in Montreal, which included a pre-stop in the beautiful Winter Carnival city of Quebec and a tour of that city's airport before a day-long headquarters tour and sneak peak of the company's direction and new products, the feeling was one of excitement and innovation.

Monday, February 15, 2016

7th Circuit Examines Limitation On IRS's Summons Power

The IRS has incredibly broad examination and inspection power. I.R.C. ? 7602 allows the IRS to, among other things, "examine any books, papers, records, or other data which may be relevant or material to such inquiry" to ascertain "the correctness of any return, making a return where none has been made, [and determine] the liability of any person for any internal revenue tax . . ." This power is not absolute, however. A statutory limitation is I.R.C. ? 7605(b), which was the focus of the following case.

Cisco Protects Its Supply Chain -- From Motherboards To Routers To IP

Cisco supply chain security includes guarding against counterfeits, protecting IP and risk management and resilience.

NYPD Used Invasive Mobile Spy Tech On New York Streets 1,000 Times Since 2008

Stingrays, used to intercept mobile communications within several kilometers, have been used more than 1,000 times in New York.

6 Steps To Refocus Your Business On Customer Delight

Having the best solution is a good start these days, but a solution alone is no longer enough to keep customer attention and loyalty. They expect to be surprised and delighted as well by their pre-purchase experience and post-purchase interactions. The most memorable businesses, like Starbucks and Apple, no longer sell products, they sell 'experiences' with a product at the center.

White Rabbit Electronics Seeks Smart Hub Dealers

White Rabbit Electronics, the venture from Bold Technologies' CEO Rod Coles and President Chuck Speck, announced it is now accepting applications from alarm dealers interested in becoming resellers of the White Rabbit Smart Hub.

The Future Of The Retail Customer Experience: Experts Discuss Trends And Engagement

The future of the retail customer experience is the subject of this expert one-on-one with customer experience consultants Micah Solomon (that's me, your author) and James Tenser. You'll meet a robot that answers the dreaded question, "Does this dress make me look fat?" and you'll discover an idea for an Abe Vigoda clone that finds you the right wing nut in the hardware store.

Forbes Weekly Roundup Of The Top 10 Cybersecurity And Hacking Stories

A roundup of the top 10 cybersecurity stories from the past week

Is Theranos Too Good To Be True?

Rethinking The Theranos Diagnosis

Keeping Your Head Above Water When Riding A Wave Of Market Turbulence

Startups, with their limited resources and experience, have key challenges during periods of high market turbulence. Sharing some insights from riding out our first such 'big wave'.

Antonin Scalia Dies, And Obama Could Transform The Supreme Court

The court's most acerbic justice and pillar of the conservative majority is dead at 79.

9 Deadliest Rocks And Minerals On Earth

It's easy to forget how lethal our natural world can be, where an encounter with the wrong rock or mineral could lead to injury or death

North Korea Aims For Submarine-Launched Nuclear Missiles

North Korea's potential intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) threat may be stealing headlines, but the rogue state's interest in submarine-launched nuclear weapons is arguably even more worrisome.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Company Turning Death Into Diamonds (Literally)

In 2010, Harry Burl was "domain prospecting" -- looking for domains to purchase and flip for profit -- when he stumbled across the subject of "man-made diamonds" and discovered that was not already registered. He registered it and began researching man-made diamonds in order to figure out what a reasonable asking price would be for the domain. Burl became so enthralled with the subject, that he decided to keep the domain for himself, and six years later he is running one of the most successful man-made diamond businesses in the country -- with a unique twist. He takes funereal ash and hair and turns them into heirlooms.

Spotlighting The Next Level Of Threat Intel With Digital Shadows

Even a casual perusing of the headlines informs us that cybersecurity is increasing as warfare and crime continue to shift into the digital arena. Earlier this week it was reported that the Internal Revenue Service identified a hacking effort that targeted e-file PINs for 464,000 Social Security Numbers, of which 101,000 successfully accessed an e-file PIN.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

NSCA Announces 2016 Excellence in Business Awards

The National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA), a not-for-profit association representing the commercial low-voltage electronic systems industry, is excited to announce the winners of the 2016 Excellence in Business awards in five categories.

Profile: Successful Entrepreneur Joins Breast Cancer Battle

Successful entrepreneur Kenny Dichter, CEO and Founder of Wheels Up, has painted one of the company's planes pink as the centerpiece of a campaign to raise money to fight breast conference.

Obama Wants $19 Billion To Fix Federal Government Cybersecurity Failures

White House seeks a 35 per cent increase in spending on cybersecurity.

Monday, February 8, 2016

ADS Security Acquires SAFECO

ADS Security, a regional electronic security and automation company headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., has acquired customer accounts from Security and Fire Equipment Co. (SAFECO) of Northport, Ala.

What Fitbit Must Focus on in its Shift to Compete with Apple

Did Fitbit shift to far without focus on its core equity?

State Street Emphasizes Importance Of Data Analytics And Digital Innovation In New Role

Chris Perretta has been an IT executive at State Street Bank since 2007, with most of his tenure spent as chief information officer. A few months ago, he advanced beyond that role to become the Global Head of Enterprise Data and Technology at the company. The role was created as an acknowledgement of the sanctity of data, and digital advances that State Street hopes to lead. Perretta has led a significant transformation of the information technology function in order to help realize this vision. First, he standardized and simplified IT. Next, he implemented what he refers to as "industrial agile." He also re-organized the IT team significantly, and created a greater emphasis on customer experience and innovation. Perretta describes all of the above and more in this interview.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Woman Says Ted Cruz Is A 'Liar And A Thief' For Stealing Credit For 'Trumpertantrum'

OK, so forget about whether Trump or Cruz could protect the term "Trumpertantrum." Forget about whether it is a trademark at all.

The Technology Behind Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal, Explained

It is no longer enough to simply have good will or even good sense. Today, technology is changing the rules as fast as we can make them.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Cryptic Safe Harbor Pact 'Privacy Shield': Public, Possibly Soon

A cryptic EU-US data transfers framework agreement called Privacy Shield was announced last week with fanfare and obfuscation. This supposed Safe Harbor replacement may soon become public.

On Being A Foreign, Female Entrepreneur In India: Monsoon and Beyond

Doing business in India is very different to doing business anywhere in the world - from language barriers to the country's infamous reams of bureaucracy; it's a tough place for most entrepreneurs. Throw in the foreign and female cards, and you've got a whole new experience. Designer Vera Fritsch of Monsoon and Beyond spoke about why she decided to start her business in India, some of the challenges she's faced and what the government could do better.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Who Will Symantec Acquire With Their $5 Billion In Cash?

Symantec Corp., the world's largest security software company according to Gartner, announced yesterday a $500 million strategic investment from Silver Lake, a global leader in technology investing.

Second Careers: Ex-Fidelity Magellan Fund Manager Harry Lange Is The Money Man At Hedonism II Resort

In the annals of second careers, there may be few stranger ones than that of Harry Lange, former manager of Fidelity Magellan fund, and now a partner in Hedonism II.

2016 SedonaOffice Users Conference Celebrates Company's 20th Anniversary

The 2016 SedonaOffice Users Conference was all about innovation and strengthening industry relationships.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

'The Story Of My Life' Is Why Women Should Embrace Positive Storytelling

Why do women, in particular, tell stories in which we cast ourselves in an unflattering light? Why do we tend to qualify, and down-play, and self-deprecate? To dig deeper, I sat down with Philippa Waller of 4D Human Being. According to Philippa, "Women tend to be modest, and so to bond and connect we tell stories that pull us down to level the playing field. In fact, we need to tell the best stories of our life to pull everyone up."

The 25 Largest U.S. Companies 2015

The 25 Largest U.S. Companies 2015

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

5 Attitudes That Define Great Leaders

I typically work with huge datasets and draw conclusions based on thousands of leaders. Recently, however, I was working with a small dataset of just 30 leaders. These leaders work for a high tech company with more than 60,000 total employees. This group of 30 were considered to be some of the highest potential leaders in the company. The average age of these leaders was 43. Twenty two were male; eight were female. In the time I spent with these individuals, it was clear they were a select and impressive group.

iPhone Versus Android And The Impact Of Software Piracy

The imminent launch of Alto's Adventure on Android has highlighted one of the major points of differentiation between the two smartphone platforms. Alto's Adventures has been a huge hit on iOS, gathering critical acclaim and significant sales on the back of its $2.99 price tag. So why, with its debut on Google's mobile OS imminent, is Alto's Adventures switching to be a free download on Android?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Safe Harbor Out--Stronger US, Corporate Obligations In

A new EC-U.S. data transfer deal called Privacy Shield has been reached. Intended to replace the invalidated Safe Harbor arrangement, Privacy Shield as outlined contains strong new U.S./corporate compliance obligations.

U.S. Legal Adult-Use Marijuana Sales Grow 184% in One Year

Marijuana sales grow 184% according to a new report from ArcView Research and New Frontier Group.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Norse Founder Doesn't Know Whether His Cybersecurity Business Is Still Alive

Norse was a cybersecurity firm on the up, but is now in chaos. The firm's founder tells FORBES he doesn't even know what's going on.

Impact Investing Sector Moving From 'What?' To 'How?'

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Over the past several years as impact investing has captured the attention of the world's wealthy, people started by asking "what is impact investing?" Today, the question more people are asking is "how do I do impact investing?" The Global Impact Investing Network, co-founded by Amit Bouri who serves today as

Determining Responsibility in Parking Lot Security

Not every parking lot or garage is the same, nor do any have the same needs to mitigate risks. It all boils down to a fundamental but complex word that underlies most all security mitigation and litigation: reasonable.