Saturday, August 8, 2015

You Can Love Donald Trump Or You Can Hate Him But You Can't Deny He's Made Politics Interesting Again

You can love Donald Trump, or you can hate Donald Trump, but what you cannot deny is the fact that Donald Trump has managed to make politics interesting again. I normally cannot stand watching Presidential debates because I always end up feeling I’ve just heard a bunch of politically correct answers that use a whole lot of words but don’t really say much of anything. It is disheartening, frustrating, and typically makes one want to avoid the whole thing. But tonight was different. Tonight I couldn’t wait for the Presidential debate to begin. Why? Because I could not wait to see what Donald Trump was going to say! Admittedly part of that was for the pure entertainment factor he provides, but regardless of the reason, Donald Trump has managed to make politics interesting and exciting again and that, and that alone, should win that man a medal.

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